Our Guests from Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos (NPH)

In two short weeks, the NPH Pequeño Tour will be coming to St. John and St. Paul Parishes! The group will be from the NPH home in Guatemala and we will be splitting their time between the two parishes. For each Mass over the weekend of October 7/8, there will either be a speaker from the NPH University Program, or the whole group will provide music and dancing!

This is a wonderful chance for you and your families to experience the mission of NPH and meet some of the children who have been served through NPH programs. Please look at the following schedule and plan accordingly. This is a holiday weekend and there is no Religious Education, but if you are in town, you and your family will not want to miss this, and we hope you will come and help us to provide a very warm welcome to our visitors. The musicians and dancers will be helping us with our liturgy at the following Masses:

St. John: Saturday, Oct 7 at the 5:00pm Vigil Mass and Sunday Oct 8, at the 5:00pm Mass
St. Paul: Sunday, Oct 8 at the 7:30am, 9:00am and 11:00am Masses
All other Masses will have a University Speaker.

We will also be kicking off an NPH sponsorship campaign next weekend. Our “30 Kids in 30 Days” campaign will strive to find thirty sponsorships at each of our parishes! So make sure you stop by a sponsorship table after Mass, starting next weekend, to see how you can make a real difference in the life of a pequeño! Thank you!

To learn more, here are some helpful links and videos for you to check out:

NPH International website

NPH USA website

Cardinal Sean on NPH USA

NPH Family: Celebrating 60 Years

NPH Path to Success




Our Collaborative “Blessing of the Animals” – Sunday, October 1 at 2:30pm at St. Paul

Please join us on Sunday, October 1 at 2:30pm for the SJSP Collaborative
“Blessing of the Animals”.  All loved animals are welcome – real, toy and photo!  (St. Paul Church front lawn)

For their safety, all real animals should be leashed or in a carrier. 

Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos (NPH) are coming to the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative!

The St. John-St. Paul Collaborative is welcoming this group of students from the NPH home in Guatemala to be with us at Masses on the weekend of October 7-8, giving testimony, dancing, and helping to lead the music at some of the Masses. The students will be staying in Wellesley from October 3-10 with families from our parishes.

NPH USA supports Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos (NPH, Spanish for “Our Little Brothers and Sisters”), which works to transform the lives of orphaned, abandoned, and disadvantaged children in Latin America and the Caribbean. Currently, NPH is raising more than 3,200 children throughout nine homes in Bolivia, the Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Peru. An additional 2,300 students who live outside the homes receive scholarships, meals, and health care. NPH’s outreach services assist more than 100,000 people every year. Truly, this organization is changing lives for the better.

The organization was started in 1954 by a Catholic priest, Fr. William Wasson, in Cuernavaca Mexico. Fr. Wasson was called to the police station in Cuernavaca, where the police had arrested a young boy who had stolen from Fr. Wasson’s church collection plate. When Fr. Wasson met the young boy, he asked him why he stole, to which the boy replied that he was trying to get money to feed himself. Fr. Wasson decided not to press charges, but told the police he would take the boy back to the parish, where he would give him a home and everything he needed so that he wouldn’t have to steal anymore. By the end of the month, the police had given Fr. Wasson seven more children to take care of in the same way – children they had arrested or taken off the street where they had nothing.

Fr. Wasson gave these children a home, and more importantly, gave them hope for a better life. By the end of the year, Fr. Wasson had to buy property to take care of all the children he was given by the authorities. And NPH was officially born!

NPH’s mission is quite simple:

Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos™, inspired by Christian values, strives to create a loving and safe family environment for vulnerable children living in extreme conditions. Through comprehensive education, healthcare and spiritual formation we give the children the opportunity to develop their potential, shaping better futures for themselves, their families and their communities.

To learn more, here are some helpful links and videos for you to check out:

NPH International website


Cardinal Sean on NPH USA

NPH Family: Celebrating 60 Years

NPH Path to Success




We Need Your Help to Welcome NPH – Our Little Brothers and Sisters

As you know, the NPH Pequeno Tour is coming to Wellesley in a few short weeks! The students will be with us at all Masses on the weekend of October 7 – 8, giving testimony, dancing, and helping to lead the music at some of the Masses.  We are anxiously awaiting this visit as a time that will surely bring our parish community closer and enrich our parish culture in a truly special way.

Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos (Spanish for “Our Little Brothers and Sisters”) supports over 3,000 orphans and abandoned children in Latin America and the Caribbean, and we are hoping to encourage some of our families to sponsor a child who is living in an NPH home.

As we begin planning for this tour, we need your help! For three weekends, we will have sponsorship tables set up at both St. John and St. Paul, promoting NPH child sponsorships. We are looking for volunteers to run the tables and help make sure the sponsorship campaign is a success! The tables will be set up on the weekends of Sept. 30 – Oct.1, Oct. 7-8, and Oct. 14-15. Please click on the link below to sign up now for any and all Masses that you would be available to help. Remember, if you have kids, this is a great chance to get them involved with a wonderful organization – they can help you at the sponsorship table!

You will receive an email from Courtney O’Brien from NPH who is coordinating the tour with instructions about running the table. It is very easy but we do need someone for every Mass so please help by volunteering to take one or more Masses.

Thank you so much for your prayers and support as we prepare to welcome the pequeños from NPH Guatemala into our parish family!


Little Rock Bible Study: A Fall Faith Enrichment Event at St. Paul Beginning September 28

Explore key biblical passages from the early church’s most influential evangelist! Discover the rich spiritual tradition of St. Paul that continues to influence believers today! Eight Thursday evenings beginning Thursday, September 28 at 7:00pm in the St. Paul Parish Hall.  All are invited to attend! No experience necessary! Please RSVP to Kay Kociuba 781-235-1060 or pastoral.associate@stpaulwellesley.com.  Presented by David Horn with Kay Kociuba

Religious Education Classes Begin Sunday, September 17

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLClasses for all grades will begin as follows:
Grades 1–6: Sunday, 9/17 from 10–10:45am or Wednesday, 9/20 from 3:30–4:45pm
Grades 7–10: Sunday, 9/17 from 6–8pm

In an effort to make our opening days for Religious Education as successful as possible for our staff, students and teachers we will NOT be accepting new registrations/students on opening day. Please register immediately if you plan on having your children attend Religious Education and you have not done so already. We are still in need of teachers for our Sunday evening program, so if you are available to teach please contact Ronda Dew as soon as possible.

All registered families should have received an email detailing opening day procedures with links to the final calendar and program information on the Parish website. If you registered and did not receive the email please contact Linda Messore.

Cluster Families: The opening meeting for those registered as clusters will be held on Tuesday, September 26, at 7:00pm in Philbin Hall, in the basement of St. John’s school. Lesson plans will be distributed.

If you have any questions regarding our Cluster program or the opening meeting, please contact Andrea Fay.

Teen Mass: The 5:00 pm Sunday Teen Mass features contemporary music appealing to teens and young adults and their families, and will include teen participation in the various ministries of the Mass. If you are interested in becoming involved as a Eucharistic Minister or Lector please contact Ronda Dew.

Where are you on your faith journey?

RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It the process by which adults enter full communion with our Church, through the sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist (Communion). RCIA can help you along your faith journey if:

  • You want to join the Church, and have never been baptized.
  • You have been baptized in another Christian faith tradition, but want to join the Catholic Church.
  •  You have been baptized in the Catholic Church, but never had your First Communion or Confirmation.

If any of these describes your current situation and you seek full membership in the Catholic faith family, consider joining our Collaborative RCIA program. We meet weekly throughout the school year, with culmination in the celebration of the Rites of Initiation at the Easter Vigil in spring. RCIA begins in the autumn with a no-obligation period of exploration and discernment.
If you think RCIA might be for you, contact either parish office by phone, or email rcia@sjspwellesley.org. We’d love to hear from you!

It’s Welcome Weekend!

WelcomeSeptember 16-17

During “Welcome Weekend” we lift high the banner of WELCOME to one and all as we celebrate the life of this community and the countless ways this life continues to grow and deepen in faith and love and service. Each September is always a new beginning! Come, join us to make this year the best!

Parish Family Fun! Sunday, September 17 from 10:00am – 12:00pm

parishfamily_funPlease join us Sunday morning for coffee and breakfast goodies, along with lots of fun for the kids: pony rides, a petting zoo, and much more! Many hands make fun for all – we can put you to work as needed when you drop by to enjoy the morning! Help with set-up and clean-up is especially needed. Please email Chrissy Cassa if you can help – just a few minutes will make a big difference! We look forward to seeing you there!

Diana Doyle to Perform at CatholicTV Telethon

On Friday, September 15 and Saturday, September 16, the CatholicTV Network will hold its 26th Telethon, featuring a musical performance by St. John cantor, Diana Doyle, with Todd Gordon.

Doyle and Gordon’s performance will air on Friday, September 15 at 1pm ET (time subject to change). CatholicTV is available on cableCatholicTVLIVE.comRoku, Apple TV, or your mobile device.

The Telethon is CatholicTV’s most important fundraiser to support its ministry of providing programming that inspires and educates Catholics in the United States and around the world. In addition to the performance by Doyle and Gordon, this year’s Telethon will feature other live entertainment, highlights from CatholicTV’s most popular shows, and special guest appearances.