Religious Education: 2016-2017 Registration

Religious-Education-REGISTERAs outlined in the registration materials, May 31st was the final day of registration for our 2016-2017 Religious Education program. We are now working on securing teachers, reserving space and developing class lists. If you have not yet registered your child(ren) please do so as soon as possible. It is important that we have concrete registration numbers as soon as possible to adequately prepare for the Fall which will bring pastoral, staff, space and program changes. We may not be able to accommodate late registrations in the Fall due to the implications of these changes. If your child(ren) attended classes last year and you will not be registering them this year, a quick email to that effect would be greatly appreciated.

The registration form with fee information can be found on the Religious Education page of the St. John’s website. A $25 per child late fee will be assessed for registrations received after May 31st. Please note that with over 500 children in our program and a manual registration system it is impossible for us to confirm registrations. If you sent in your paperwork you can assume it is being processed as requested unless you hear from our office. Your canceled check or Parish Pay confirmation serves as your registration confirmation. If you are having trouble and/or cannot get the form to us in a timely manner, please email Linda Messore as soon as possible at and we will hold a spot for your child(ren).

Summer Reading for the Year of Mercy

The Jubilee Year of Mercy will come to a close this November 20, 2016. This summer, why not dive into some books that are spiritually-enriching and rediscover God’s incredible mercy. Please feel free to send in your own summer reading recommendations to and we will be sure to share them in the bulletin this summer.

Books_Beautiful_mercyBeautiful Mercy – featuring content from Matthew Kelly and twenty-six other incredible authors.
The perfect companion for the Year of Mercy called for by Pope Francis, Beautiful Mercy provides an encounter with the heart of God. By focusing on the seven spiritual and seven corporal works of mercy, it inspires readers to realize that extraordinary acts of love are possible for us all—no matter where we are in life. Once again bringing to light the genius of Catholicism, bestselling author Matthew Kelly has enlisted the help of twenty-six other incredible authors who witness to the power of God’s mercy, provide simple, practical tips on how to be an instrument of that mercy, and bring hope to anyone searching for deeper meaning in life.

Books_Mercy_CityMercy in the City: How to Feed the Hungry, Give Drink to the Thirsty, Visit the Imprisoned, and Keep Your Day Job, by Kerry Weber
When Jesus asked us to feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, and visit the imprisoned, he didn’t mean it literally, right? Kerry Weber, a modern, young, single woman in New York City sets out to see if she can practice the Corporal Works of Mercy in an authentic, personal, meaningful manner while maintaining a full, robust, regular life. Weber, a lay Catholic, explores the Works of Mercy in the real world, with a gut-level honesty and transparency that people of urban, country, and suburban locales alike can relate to. Mercy in the City is for anyone who is struggling to live in a meaningful, merciful way amid the pressures of “real life.” For those who feel they are already overscheduled and too busy, for those who assume that they are not “religious enough” to practice the Works of Mercy, for those who worry that they are alone in their efforts to live an authentic life, Mercy in the City proves that by living as people for others, we learn to connect as people of faith.

Books_Mercy_PrayerThe Mercy Prayer: The One Prayer Jesus Always Answers, by Robert Gelinas
Lord, have mercy. A raw plea for intervention. The most frequent prayer in the Bible. And- -most remarkably–a request that God has never failed to grant . . . often in surprising ways that have radically transformed individual lives and the trajectory of history itself. In The Mercy Prayer, Robert Gelinas explores the richness of God’s unfailing compassion by blending biblical insights with penetrating personal encounters and keen insight into familiar stories. The result is a practical guide for receiving the mercy we all desperately need and letting it flow from us into the lives of others.

And for kids…

Books_Mercy_SorrySay Sorry And Mean It: Apologizing From The Heart , by Trudy Lubwig
Jack’s friend, Charlie, knows how to get away with just about everything: “If you get caught, just say you’re sorry.” But does an apology count if you don’t really mean it? And what happens when the person you’ve hurt knows you don’t mean it? Jack’s about to find out there’s a whole lot more to a real apology than a simple “sorry!” Trudy Ludwig’s book captures the importance of making a sincere apology and models for children how to take ownership of hurtful behavior and make amends.

A Message from Sr. Evelyn Ronan to the St. John Parish Community

Sr_Evelyn_Reception_BWDear Everyone:

How do I share with you my experience of the June 5-6 weekend, each and every aspect of the extraordinary days?

I find myself in a land without any language that could even come close to expressing what is in my heart. The impact of each part of the weekend: so many moments, so many faces, so many words, through Masses, prayers, music and blessings…

Bringing us to a Gathering unlike anything that could ever be imagined or explained – overwhelming!

We entered a tent, transformed, beautiful, that became the place for a Festival, a joyous “Parish Thanksgiving” in a room filled in its whole space with grace; breathing in the spirit of love, all and everyone – Gift!

With all my heart, I thank you!

Sr. Evelyn Ronan

Holy Land Pilgrimage with Fr. Jim Laughlin

Holy_LandFr. Jim will leading a pilgrimage to the Holy Land this fall.

November 10-22, 2016

$3,150.00 per person includes flights, taxes and surcharges. Travel on modern coach with Catholic guide, 4 star hotel accommodations, breakfast, lunch and dinner daily trips.  For more information please contact Marian Pilgrimages, Mary Henry, 781-331-2444 or

Welcome Fr. Jim!

Fr_JimAs you  know, on July 1, 2016, Fr. Jim Laughlin became the pastor of our St. John-St. Paul Collaborative. 

We warmly welcome Fr. Jim to Wellesley!

Father Jim Laughlin was ordained a priest of the Archdiocese of Boston in 1991. He served as a parochial vicar at St. Francis of Assisi Parish in Braintree and St. Eulalia Parish in Winchester before becoming pastor of St. Ann Parish in Wayland in 2006. He is a canon lawyer and served as a judge of the Metropolitan Tribunal before his arrival in Wayland. In 2008, he became pastor of St. Zepherin Parish, serving Wayland and Natick, in addition to his role as pastor of St. Ann’s. On January 1, 2011, the two parishes merged to form Good Shepherd Parish and Fr. Jim was appointed as its first pastor.  He is an adjunct faculty member at the Theological Institute for the New Evangelization at St. John Seminary. He has been active in prison ministry at MCI-Framingham since 1989. Fr. Jim has an A.B. degree from Dartmouth College (1985), where he majored in Russian Language and Literature. He also studied at Leningrad State University. He earned an M.Div. from St. John Seminary in Boston and a J.C.L. from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome.

–photo and text courtesy of the Good Shepherd Parish website

6th Grade “Summer Blast” Still Accepting Registrations

Summer_Blast_2016We are still accepting registrations for Summer Blast, our pilot program for incoming sixth graders. This program is being offered as an alternative to help our families manage their busy schedules.  Successful completion of Summer Blast will fulfill religious education requirements for the 2016-2017 school year.

Three half-day classes will be held at St. Paul School from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 on June 22, 23 and 24.  The curriculum will involve a variety of faith-based lessons taught in a fun, interactive environment and will include:

  • Video Lessons on Morals and Values with interactive discussion
  • Lessons surrounding the Jewish Ancestors in Faith – Moses & the Exodus
  • Prayer
  • Arts & Crafts
  • Snack

If you have already sent in your registration for the Religious Ed 2016-2017 year, but would like your incoming sixth grade child to participate in this program instead, please just email me and I will adjust it accordingly.

We are looking forward to implementing this summer program and hope that it will assist many families in balancing busy school year schedules.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Linda Messore,  Religious Ed Coordinator, Grades 1-6                  
St. John the Evangelist Parish

Kathy Curley, Director of Religious Ed, Grades 1-10
St. Paul Parish

A Special Thank You!

Sr_Evelyn_ReceptionSincere thanks to all who participated in last weekend’s celebration to rejoice and honor Sr. Evelyn. As a parish community, we were able to express our immense appreciation for the extraordinary gift of her devout pastoral ministry.

DSC_0389Rev. Arthur MacKay was a genuine champion of the celebration endeavor. His thoughtfulness, support and enthusiasm guided a meaningful affirmation of Sr. Evelyn’s twenty-two years of dedicated service.

DSC_0297The guest speakers at each Mass contributed their beautiful, prayerful reflections on Sr. Evelyn’s impact and influence. With profound expression, Mary Gotgart, Lee Phillips, Jim Stokes and Svea Fraser provided personal insight into the blessings of Sr. Evelyn’s mission at St. John the Evangelist.

DSC_0364The co-hosts for the afternoon reception joyfully welcomed guests and warmly bolstered hospitality. They were Kathi Aldridge, Carolyn Anderson, Norm, Caroline & Allie Boucher, Ellen & Katie Burstein, Suzanne & Patrick Dowdall, Marcia Gorgone, Ed & Mary Gotgart, Deidre Heilbron, Pat & Mark Murphy and Debra Surner.

Gift presenters – to the delight of Sr. Evelyn – were Lauren Michel, Mia Songer and Joanie, Norah, Maggie and May Sullivan. They formed a terrific parade! The creative support, consultation and expertise provided by Sarah Connolly, Dottie Cullinan and Joe Tully were invaluable.

We truly thank each of these people, and many more, for their vital commitment, effort and energy. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

– The Sister Evelyn Celebration Committee

Adult Faith Formation: Book Group Planning Meeting – Thursday, June 16 at 7:30pm

booksOur parish has had a very successful book group for over ten years. We generally meet once a month, from September through May, and read a wide variety of books. We welcome new members! There are no dues or other requirements of membership. Our goal is simply one of enlightenment – to help each other better understand the concepts, ideas, people, events, institutions and relationships that make up the Catholic experience.

There will be a planning meeting on Thursday, June 16 in the Parish Center at 7:30pm, to talk about the organization of the program and, most important, the books we might read next year. If you think you might be interested in joining the group please try to attend this meeting. If at all possible come with suggestions of specific books or types of books you feel might be good for the group to read and discuss. God has blessed all of us with inquiring minds and the freedom to travel along a variety of paths in our quest for a better understanding of our faith. Please join us on this journey of learning and Christian fellowship. For further information contact John Stewart, 617 969 0950, or

This Weekend: Men’s Clothing Drive for St. Francis House, June 11-12

stfrancishouse_largeThis weekend is our spring Men’s Clothing Drive for St. Francis House. Each year the drive is a huge success because of your generosity and grace. St. Francis House is the largest day shelter in New England, serving over 800 men and women on a daily basis; on average, St. Francis House distributes 250 sets of clothing to their guests each week. To help meet this ongoing need, we are collecting men’s gently-used everyday clothing.

Right now, the highest needed items include:

  • Men’s pants (especially jeans – given out on a daily basis)
  • T-shirts (extremely important – given out on a daily basis)
  • Footwear (extremely important)
  • Sweaters & Sweatshirts
  • Backpacks/duffel bags
  • Coats, hats, gloves, and scarves (larger sizes in extreme needed)
  • NEW Socks (for their Foot Clinic)

NEW THIS YEAR, we are accepting professional clothing (suits) in support of St. Francis House’s Moving Ahead Program. It is a job-skills training program that supports students with self-sufficiency and well-being to lead fulfilling lives. Professional clothing will help students with the interview process.

We hope you will take the time for a quick spring cleaning, and remember to drop off the items to our church garage on the weekend of June 11-12 from 9AM to 5PM.

Please Note: They DO NOT accept children’s clothing, used socks, or any discolored items. If you can put your items in boxes or secured bags, and label it with the general contents, it would be a great help with sorting. Thank you for your generosity!


Corporal Works of Mercy: To Visit the Sick

We all know what it feels like to be sick and at home or in a hospital. It is isolating and often very painful. The presence of visitors can often lift-up the heart of a patient and remind them that they are not alone. “Visiting the sick” in our world can mean reaching out to those who are “sick at heart” from being lonely and forgotten and who are regularly deprived of the basic human need called “friendship.”

Jim O'Connor's students thought they knew him -- until last November, when senior Pat McGoldrick learned they didn’t know the half of him. (CBS photo)

Jim O’Connor’s students thought they knew him — until last November, when senior Pat McGoldrick learned they didn’t know the half of him. (CBS photo)

A heartwarming news story that lent itself to “Visiting the Sick” that was featured on CBS’ “On the Road” in which Steve Hartman meets students of St. Francis High School who thought they knew everything about their math teacher, Jim O’Connor. But what they found out at a local hospital taught them a life lesson.

What Can I do?

Homebound Ministry: This ministry reaches out to our parishioners who are homebound, and provides opportunities for volunteers to visit and for Eucharistic Ministers to bring the Eucharist.

Hospital Visitation: This corporal work of mercy is relatively easy to do. And our service and outreach programs at St John’s have several ways to help: The Chaplain’s Office at Newton-Wellesley Hospital welcomes volunteers to visit the sick and Eucharistic Ministers to bring communion on a weekly basis.

Nursing Home Visitation: This ministry reaches out to nursing home residents in three area facilities: Newton Health Care, The Falls at Cordingly Dam, and Elizabeth Seton Residence.

Visit our Service and Outreach page on the web for more information about these and other service opportunities.