Fundraising Raffle for St. John-St. Paul “World Youth Day” Trip

WYD_LogoWorld Youth Day, initiated by Pope John Paul II in 1986, attracts more than one million youth from almost every country. World Youth Day (WYD) is an opportunity for the youth of our parishes to learn about their faith and to build bridges of friendship and hope between continents, people, and cultures. The week-long event culminates with mass with the Holy Father.  We have around 30 young people from St. John-St. Paul hoping to travel to Kraków for WYD in 2016. We are asking for your help to support our young people by buying a ticket to our closed end raffle. Only 500 tickets will be sold.

1st prize: $5,000 2nd prize: $2,000 3rd prize: $1,000

Ticket price: $100. The drawing will be held on June 7th, 2015. All proceeds will be used to send our young parishioners to World Youth Day.  Members of the joint St John-St Paul World Youth Day group will be outside each Mass this weekend inviting you to participate in the raffle. A raffle form can also be downloaded here.

Share Your Photos with the Parish Anniversary Committee!

Did you know that this year, St. John Parish is celebrating our 125th Anniversary as a parish and our 140th Anniversary since the first Mass was celebrated?circa 1880
We are seeking photographs of the different groups and organizations within St. John Parish that have made it the special place we love. If you have a few photographs that you could share for possible inclusion in a historical video of St. John’s Parish, please email them to (if digital), or mail to Tricia Bombara, St. John the Evangelist Parish, 9 Glen Rd., Wellesley Hills, MA 02481. Tricia will scan all non-digital photos and originals will be returned back to you. Please include your name, address and phone number/e-mail so we can return your pictures back to you. Help us by giving us the categories of the photos you are submitting, and submit by April 30th.

Categories of photos we are interested in include (but are not limited to these): Adult Choir, Adult Faith Formation, Altar Servers, Blessing of the Animals, Christmas Wish, Collaboration Committee with St. Paul’s, Eucharistic Ministers, Evening for Women, Family Mass Music Group, Finance Council, Lectors, May Procession, Music Ministry – Cantors & Directors, Organ delivery to the Church, Parish Council, Parish and Rectory Staff, Passion Play, Peer Ministry, RCIA, Religious Education Team, Sacramental Celebrations: Christenings, First Holy Communions, Confirmations, Weddings, Service Commission, St. John School, Thanksgiving at Bristol Lodge, Trees & Trimmings, Welcome Weekend and Youth Choir.

April 12: News from Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLThis Week: Sunday, April 12
Grade 2 Mass 9:00am
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45am
Grades 7, 8 Class 6:00 – 7:00pm
Friends for Good 7:00 – 8:00pm
Grades 9, 10 Friends for Good 6:00 – 7:00pm
Class 7:00 – 8:00pm

Next Week: Public School Vacation

A full calendar of all events is available on the Religious Education section of the Parish website.

REGISTRATION 2015-2016 Religious Education registration information for the 2015-2016 school year was recently e-mailed to all families. If you did not receive the email, the form and directions are available for download on the Religious Education page.

AFFC Presentation: “An Overview of Marriage through the History of the Church” on Monday, April 13 at 7pm

Tribunal_LogoMaria Bianco, one of the judges at the Metropolitan Tribunal for the Archdiocese since 2003, will present “An Overview of Marriage through the History of the Church”. Maria graduated from the School of Law at Catholic University in Argentina and was a Canon Lawyer at the Lateran University in Rome. Before moving to Boston, she had been teaching Civil Law at the Catholic University and University of Moron in Buenos Aires and Canon Law at the Seminary of the Diocese of San Isidro. She also worked as a civil attorney and as an Advocate for Canon Law cases at the Metropolitan Tribunal of the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires.  Monday, April 13, 7:00 p.m., Social Hall

Today is Easter Sunday, April 5

White Flower near Christian CrossHe is Risen!
7:30am  Mass
9:00am  Family Mass
11:00am  Mass
Upper and Lower Church

Today is Holy Saturday, April 4

Holy Saturday_Easter Vigil10:00am–12:00pm Sacrament of Reconciliation

7:30pm Mass of the Easter Vigil

Today is Good Friday, April 3

Good Friday12:00pm Walk with the Cross
Led by Religious Education – all welcome.
3:00pm Stations of the Cross
7:30pm The Lord’s Passion

Easter Collection for the Clergy Retirement Trust

Every Easter Catholics across the Archdiocese of Boston join together to honor and thank our priests. Your gift to the Clergy Health and Retirement Trust helps to ensure the highest quality of care and quality of life programs that provide for the health and well-being of our active and senior priests. Our priests have been there for us in our times of need. Now it is our turn to care for them when they need us.  Please take a few minutes to watch this inspiring video, which shows the hopeful, faith-filled relationship between a family and their parish priest.

Today is Holy Thursday, April 2

last supper painting7:30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Followed by Adoration until 10:00pm

Schedule for Holy Week, The Sacred Triduum, and Easter Sunday

6:30pm The Light is On For You 
Sacrament of Reconciliation (Chapel)
7:30pm The Lord’s Supper Followed by Adoration until 10pm
12:00pm Walk with the Cross
Led by Religious Education – everyone welcome! (Church) 
3:00pm Stations of the Cross (Church)
7:30pm The Lord’s Passion
10am-12pm Confessions (Chapel)
7:30pm Mass of the Easter Vigil
7:30am Mass
9:00am Family Mass
11:00am Mass (Upper and Lower)

PLEASE NOTE: There is no 5:00pm Vigil Mass on Holy Saturday and no 5:00pm Mass on Easter Sunday.