Religious Education: Register Now for 2019-2020!

It is time to register for our 2019-2020 Religious Education program!  Our online registration system makes the process quick and easy – click HERE to register now.
(Please Note: The May 31 registration deadline has passed; all registrations will now incur the $25 per child late fee.) 
Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
The St. John’s Religious Ed Team

New Summer Evening Scripture Study at St. John Begins Thursday, July 11

Hebrews: The Nearness of King Jesus

All members of the Collaborative are warmly welcomed to join in a study of God’s Sacred Scripture this summer. The Book of Hebrews highlights both the supremacy and the approachability of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Cost: Little Rock Scripture Study books and Commentary Guides will be available for purchase at our first evening for $17.

Sessions: Thursdays, 7pm – July 11 through August 22

Location: St. John the Evangelist Parish, Powers Hall

Sunday, September 15: Our Collaborative Outdoor Mass!

Stay tuned for more details!

Our Sunday Family Mass Program is on Summer Vacation!

The Sunday Family Mass program (including Donuts & Coffee) is on summer vacation! The Sunday 9:00am Mass will be a regular liturgy through the end of June, until our Collaborative  Summer Sunday Mass Schedule begins on July 7:

St. John the Evangelist Church
Daily Mass (Mon-Sat): 7:00am
Saturday Vigil Mass: 5:00pm (Confessions 3:00-3:45pm or by appointment)
Sunday Masses:  7:30am and 11:00am

St. Paul Church
Daily Mass (Mon-Sat): 9:00am
Saturday Vigil Mass: 4:00pm (Confessions 3:30-4:00pm or by appointment)
Sunday Masses:  7:30am and 9:00am

Our Regular Mass schedule will resume after Labor Day. 


Fundraiser for the NPH Immersion and Service Trip to Dominican Republic

We are delighted to have a group of 11 high school students from our Collaborative who, along with their chaperones, will be travelling to the NPH Dominican Republic home in August to experience life in an NPH home and assist with service projects with the community.

This weekend, June 8-9, at all St. John Masses we will be inviting parishioners to take part in a small fundraising effort to help defray the costs to our travelers. We will explain the fundraiser at the Masses, but if you would prefer to make a contribution online, please visit our Youth Ministry NPH page to make a secure, one-time donation.

We will be keeping you up to date with our progress in preparation for the trip, during our time at the home, and when we return.

Thank you so much for your support of our young people and their journey of faith and service.

New Summer Morning Bible Study at St. Paul Begins June 12

All are  invited to join our Summer Morning Bible Study in June and July.

We shall begin where everything began – The Book of Genesis

Wednesday June 12, 19*, and 26; July 3 and 10
10:30am St. Paul Parish Hall

Books will be available at the first meeting. For more information please contact David Horn.

Stay tuned for an Evening Summer Bible Study coming in July and August!

*On the 19th we will be in the Lower Rectory Meeting Room.

Memorial Day Prayer

We remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for the freedoms we enjoy every day.

We pray that God will hold our servicemen and women in His strong arms, and cover them with His sheltering grace and presence.

Thursday, May 30 – Ascension of the Lord, a Holy Day of Obligation

Ascension Thursday
Masses for the Collaborative will be celebrated:
7:00am Mass at St. John
9:00am Mass at St. Paul
12:00pm Mass at St. John
7:00pm  Mass at St. Paul

Sunday, June 2: Altar Server Training

Is your child interested in becoming an Altar Server? Perhaps he or she has just received their First Holy Communion and is eager to step into this important role. A training of new Altar Servers will be held on Sunday, June 2 at 10AM, immediately following the Family Mass. The training will last for 45 mins and will touch on the basics of serving at our Lord’s table. If your child plans to attend please RSVP by email to Kelly Meraw.

June 1-2: Annual Men’s Clothing Drive for St. Francis House

Each spring our community comes together to support St. Francis House with a Men’s Clothing Drive, and each year the drive is a huge success because of your generosity and grace. This year’s drive will take place June 1-2.  St. Francis House serves approximately 50 clothing appointments per day (Monday-Friday) which is 250 full sets of clothing per week to their guests in need. Please join us in helping by donating clean, practical clothing. Your efforts and generosity are appreciated by the thousands who come to St. Francis House each year for a fresh pair of clothes in times of need.


  • Men’s pants (especially jeans size 30-40)
  • T-shirts, shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts, & spring coats
  • Footwear (walking shoes and sneakers)
  • Backpacks/duffel bags/tote bags
  • Summer hats (baseball caps, beach hats)
  • NEW underwear and undershirts (in original packaging)
  • NEW socks (for their Foot Clinic)

ALSO ACCEPTED: Women’s everyday clothing

NOT ACCEPTED: Children’s clothing; used socks, underwear, and sleepwear; household items (including linens); damaged or discolored items

WHEN: Saturday, June 1 and Sunday, June 2 from 9:00AM to 5:00PM

WHERE: Drop off items at the St. John the Evangelist Church garage (behind the church)

HOW: If you can put your items in boxes or secured bags and label them with the general contents it would be a great help with sorting.

Thank you for your generosity!

If you have any questions please call the St. John (781-235-0045) or St. Paul (781-235-1060) parish office.