As was announced last weekend, Fr. Powers and our Parish Pastoral and Finance Councils have decided to move forward with a parish-wide Planning Study to formulate a plan to address some on-going maintenance needs at our parish. For the past year and a half, our Building and Grounds Committee has been evaluating our parish facilities and assessing deferred maintenance. They have reported that sections of the original part of the church, most notably the tower, are in need of significant repair and reconstruction. Our heating and cooling systems need updating and our parking lot needs repaving and improved lighting. These are just some of the projects that have been deferred over the years because we are unable to address them through our regular operating budget. We are in the process of prioritizing these needs and estimating the total cost for the work. Careful consideration and thoughtful planning is required for us to move forward. This is why input from our parishioners is of the utmost importance at this time. Your opinions and suggestions will enable us to formulate a final plan that will help meet the needs of our entire parish. During the next several weeks, every parish family on our mailing list will be contacted and asked to take part in a study process to be conducted by Cornerstone Fundraising, a professional Catholic fundraising firm. Members of
the Cornerstone team will be conducting one-on-one personal interviews and focus groups with randomly selected families and individuals of the parish. A direct mail study questionnaire will be mailed to every home as well. Please make every effort to participate in the survey process so that we may complete this study with your open and honest input. Thank you for your continued support.
Category Archives: Finance Council
St. John the Evangelist Capital Campaign
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Posted in Capital Campaign, Finance Council, Important Announcements, Parish Pastoral Council
Reminder: Parish Annual Appeal
Greetings! You will recall the mailing in late September of the St John the Evangelist Parish (“SJE”) annual financial statements with the Parish Annual Appeal. Thank you to all who have already contributed. This is a friendly reminder of the importance of your pledge to the Parish Annual Appeal. The Annual Appeal regularly constitutes almost half of the support to SJE, and is vitally important to all the good works the SJE staff, you and your fellow parishioners do in our community. Please complete the pledge card and drop it in the collection basket or, if you prefer, mail it to the rectory (9 Glen Rd). Thank you for your continued generous support.
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Posted in Finance Council
Buildings and Grounds Update
From time to time, we will be giving you an update on what is happening around the grounds and the buildings of the Parish. In the middle of August, you probably noticed some activity around the Parish Center and at the entrance to the parking lot. Unfortunately, the sewer pipe from the Center to the street had disintegrated about forty feet from the building and also had been damaged and crushed by some tree roots closer to the street. This necessitated an unbudgeted expense of approximately $24,000. The street and ground were dug up and new pipe from the building to the street were installed and the large tree was removed.
At about the same time, our annual check up and changing of filters for the Air Handlers and Ventilation System was happening in the Church. The inspections uncovered some major issues with the motors that power this system resulting in the replacement or rebuilding of three major units. This project and the residual side effects have resulted in an additional cost of over $ 10,000 of unbudgeted expense.
Currently, you may have noticed work being done on four of the five entrances of the Church. Originally, this was to be cleaned and painted but upon further inspection, the columns and surrounding wood was found to have extensive rot from the rain and weather. The result is the removal of the wood and columns. These are being repaired and replaced with a fiberglass/cement product with a lifetime warranty and the appropriate materials to prevent this condition from reoccurring.
On another issue, we are pleased to have made the switch, almost two years ago (September 2010), to heating the church with gas as we have realized substantial savings (approx 25%) in our heating expenses. As the Church continues to age, twelve years from our renovation date, we are beginning to experience many major repairs. We will continue to update you on the repairs and ongoing projects throughout the year.
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Posted in Finance Council, Important Announcements
Annual Financial Report and 2012 Parish Annual Appeal

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Posted in Finance Council, Important Announcements, Special Collections