Category Archives: Important Announcements

Posts that need to appear on the front page of the website go in this category.

Last Chance – Online Survey Closes TODAY! (February 17)

Planning Survey ImageDon’t forget – the DMI online survey closes on Wednesday, February 17. Please CLICK THE LINK today! 

All adult (18+) parishioners are strongly encouraged to complete this 10-15 minute survey as soon as possible.  All responses will be confidential and the Parish will only receive information about the community as whole. Thank you for helping with this important project!


From the Pastor: St. Vincent de Paul Society

St_Vincent_de_PaulIn light of the Year of Mercy I am hoping to establish a St. Vincent de Paul Society for our Collaborative. Parishioners (men, women and married couples) who  might feel called to this important outreach ministry to the less fortunate are invited to contact either parish office with your name and contact information.

St. John Office: 781-235-0045 or email
St. Paul Office: 781-235-1060 or email

February 14: From the AFFC

AFFC LogoThursday, February 25, 5:30 p.m.
Who are the ‘Nones’?
Nancy T. Ammerman, Professor of Sociology of Religion, Boston University
Roughly one-third of younger adults now say they have no religious affiliation. Who are they, why aren’t they in Church—and what do they mean when they protest that they are ’spiritual’? This presentation considers the demographic, political, and cultural trends that have expended the ranks of the unaffiliated – and asks what local communities of faith can do to respond.
Boston College (Brighton Campus) Simboli Hall, Room 100

Tuesday, March 1, 6:30 p.m.
EVENING FOR WOMEN, The Gaze of Mercy
A wonderful way for us to continue our Lenten journey together. Come join us for prayer, reflection and sharing and a fabulous “Pot Luck”!
Powers Hall (St. John Church Social Hall)
Sr. Evelyn Ronan, SND Moderator

Tuesday, March 15, 5:30 p.m.
Thy Will Be Done
Thomas D. Stegman, SJ
While Luke’s Gospel is known as the ‘Gospel of Prayer,’ prayer also plays an important role in Mark’s Gospel. Not only does Mark present Jesus as the model of someone who prays, he also emphasizes the significance of prayer among the new family who gathered around Jesus, committed to doing God’s will.
Boston College (Chestnut Hill Campus)
Heights Room, Corcoran Commons

Share Your Acts of Mercy

Acts_of_MercyPope Francis’ Year of Mercy calls us to know mercy and show mercy in a very intentional way. We are always doing acts of kindness and we’d like to raise awareness of this gift of mercy by having a Mercy Basket! We will have a table set-up with paper hearts and pens in the front foyer of the Church (or you can print your own at home using the “Printable Hearts” link to the right!) During the week adults and children can write down their acts of mercy on a heart and then on each weekend, place it in the basket that will be next to the offertory table at the back of the Church.

During Mass each week throughout Lent, we will carry the Mercy Basket up to the altar with the bread and wine presenting them as gifts of ourselves. So take time throughout this week to be mindful of ways you show mercy to others . . . through forgiveness or through acts of kindness to others in need.

The Adult Faith Formation and Service Commissions of St. John Parish facilitate our journey into the Heart of Mercy.

Online Survey Deadline Extended to February 17!

Planning Survey ImageThe Catholic Leadership Institute has notified us that they are extending the deadline for online surveys by one week. Online survey will now be available until Wednesday, February 17.

All adult (18+) parishioners are strongly encouraged to complete this 10-15 minute survey as soon as possible.  All responses will be confidential and the Parish will only receive information about the community as whole. For more information about the survey, please see this list of Frequently Asked Questions.

Please CLICK THE LINK today!  Thank you for helping with this important project!


Into the Heart of Mercy: Jesus, born of Mary, had a human heart as we do…

CK7gxi-WoAAL3peThe Name of God is Mercy. The face of God is Jesus. Jesus, born of Mary, had a human heart as we do…

A human heart works with four chambers and a circulatory system. The chambers direct the flow of blood, connecting the lungs, a system that cleanses and renews repeatedly with every heartbeat and breath. As Mary pondered the things of God in her heart, this Year of Mercy is creating a time for each of us to focus on our own hearts.

Our hearts operate on a physical and spiritual level. Just as our hearts function physically, responding to our mind, body and environment, our spiritual hearts are a place to ponder, pray, and connect ourselves with God and others. Our heart is a tabernacle for God, a space of love and forgiveness, a space of safety in the loving mercy of God, a place to encounter mercy and grace, a space where God can connect with us. God works in the human – in Jesus, in Mary and in each one of us! This is a time for seeking with God, our source of all love and mercy, how we can be His hands and hearts on earth now.

As we begin this Year of Mercy, let’s ponder in the tabernacle of our human heart, our relationship with God – our own human heart relating to the sacred heart of Jesus, seeking a way, relating heart to heart with others.

The Adult Faith Formation and Service Commissions of St. John Parish facilitate our journey into the Heart of Mercy.

Ash Wednesday – February 10, 2016

Ash Wed CrossAsh Wednesday is a day of universal fast and abstinence in the Church.
Mass and Liturgy of the Word Services
St. John
7:00 AM Mass with Ashes
12:10 PM Mass with Ashes
5:30 PM Mass with Ashes
St. Paul
9:00 AM Mass with Ashes
2:00 PM Ash Service  (with Religious Education)
7:00 PM Mass with Ashes

Online Survey Deadline Extended to February 17 – Please Complete the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) Survey Today!

Planning Survey ImageAll adult (18+) parishioners are strongly encouraged to complete this 10-15 minute survey as soon as possible.  All responses will be confidential and the Parish will only receive information about the community as whole. For more information about the survey, please see this list of Frequently Asked Questions.

The Catholic Leadership Institute has notified us that they are extending the deadline for online surveys by one week. Online survey will now be available until Wednesday, February 17.  If you do not have the ability to complete an online survey, paper copies will also be available at the back of the church or by contacting the Parish Office at 781-235-0045 or Paper surveys must be completed and placed in the box at the entrance to the church or returned to the Parish Office no later than Sunday, February 7. (Please note that this cut-off date is earlier because the paper surveys must be sent to DMI for data entry.)

Please CLICK THE LINK today!  Thank you for helping with this important project!


Time is Running Out – Please Complete the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) Survey Today!

Planning Survey ImageAll adult (18+) parishioners are strongly encouraged to complete this 10-15 minute survey as soon as possible.  All responses will be confidential and the Parish will only receive information about the community as whole. For more information about the survey, please see this list of Frequently Asked Questions.

The survey is only open until Ash Wednesday, February 10.  If you do not have the ability to complete an online survey, paper copies will also be available at the back of the church or by contacting the Parish Office at 781-235-0045 or Paper surveys must be completed and placed in the box at the entrance to the church or returned to the Parish Office no later than Sunday, February 7. (Please note that this cut-off date is earlier because the paper surveys must be sent to DMI for data entry.)

Please CLICK THE LINK today!  Thank you for helping with this important project!


World Youth Day 2016

Krakow LogoWorld Youth Day (WYD) is a worldwide encounter with the Pope which is typically celebrated every few years in a different country. This year, we have 40 representatives from St. John and St. Paul parishes traveling to Krakow, Poland this summer. After attending the 11:00am Mass at St John’s together last Sunday, we held the first of our preparation meetings this year where we began to learn about the history of Poland and the Catholic church in Poland and specifically about the life of St. John Paul II.

We invite you to join with us and find out more about World Youth Day and our group by going to the World Youth Day link on the Parish website.