Category Archives: Important Announcements

Posts that need to appear on the front page of the website go in this category.

Christmas Wish 2014 – First Meeting Thursday, October 9 at 7pm

Christmas Wish and TreeThe Christmas Wish Program kicks off Thursday, October 9 at 7pm in the Parish Center Sun Room. The St. John Christmas Wish Committee is forming for the 2014 season and invites new members to join us for this special work of filling Christmas wishes for many children in the surrounding communities of Roxbury, Lowell, Brockton, and Wellesley. We will gather over 400 children’s requests and fulfill them through the generosity of our St. John community families through sponsorship, shopping and donations. Help us as a parish coordinator assistant, data entry assistant, or phone helper making follow-up calls to St. John volunteers. Want to learn more? Stop by the Service Fair after this week’s Masses and committee members and service commission members will be there! To join our committee, please contact Liz Corcoran at or Sarah Connolly at the Rectory at

September 28: News from Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLThis Week: Sunday, September 28
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
Parent Meetings (see below)
Next Week: Sunday, October 5
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
Grades 7, 8 Class 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Friends for Good 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Grade 9 Friends for Good 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Class 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Grade 10 Class 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Wednesday, October 8
Grades 1- 6 Class 3:30 – 4:45 p.m.
Parent Meetings
Parents of students in grades 1, 2 and 10 are strongly encouraged to attend informational meetings as follows:
Grade 10 – Sunday, September 28 @ 6:00 p.m.
Grade 1 – Sunday, September 28 @ 7:00 p.m.
Grade 2 – Sunday, September 28 @ 7:30 p.m.

If you have any questions, please contact Jane Leonard,, or Linda Messore,

C21 Lecture with James Martin, SJ on Thursday, September 25 at Boston College

JamesMartinSJJesus: A Pilgrimage
Thursday, September 25, 6:30 p.m.
Robsham Theater, Chestnut Hill Campus
Presenter: James Martin, S.J.
Editor-at-large of America magazine, bestselling author, and “official chaplain” of The Colbert Report
Encounter Jesus in a new way. Father Martin will offer fascinating details about the “historical Jesus,” the real-life man who walked the earth in first-century Palestine, and will also invite you to meditate on the “Christ of faith,” the one risen from the dead. As he does in his new book Jesus: A Pilgrimage, he will combines stories from a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, the most up-to-date biblical study, and profound spiritual insights to help you answer the question that Jesus first posed to his disciples: “Who do you say that I am?”
No registration. Seating will be first-come, first-served, with doors opening at 6:00 p.m.  Co-sponsored by the School of Theology and Ministry and The Church in the 21st Century Center

Book Discussion Group: Next meeting will be Thursday, October 9 at 7:30pm in the Parish Center.

St. John’s Adult Faith Formation Commission

Wednesday Religious Education Classes Begin 9/24 – Opening Day Procedures

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLWednesday Religious Education classes for Grades 1–6 begin this Wednesday, 9/24 from 3:30–4:45pm.  A final calendar and program information can be found on the Religious Education page of the Parish website.

Opening Day Procedures Grades 1-6:

  • parents and students should report to Philbin Hall in the lower level of St. John’s school where classroom assignments will be posted on the wall
  • parents should accompany their child(ren) to classrooms and should introduce themselves to the teacher
  • students will be dismissed to the coned off area in the parking lot to be picked up unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher
  • classes start at 3:30pm on Wednesday and dismissal time is 4:45pm

Parent Meetings

Parents of students in grades 1, 2 and 10 are strongly encouraged to attend informational meetings as follows:
Grade 10 – Sunday, September 28 @ 6:00 p.m.
Grade 1 – Sunday, September 28 @ 7:00 p.m.
Grade 2 – Sunday, September 28 @ 7:30 p.m.

If you have any questions, please contact Jane Leonard,, or Linda Messore,

Special Collection for Clergy Retirement Trust This Weekend

Clergy_Retirement_Trust_2014 This week’s second collection supports the retirement, medical and financial needs of priests of the Archdiocese of Boston. These priests have given their lives to faithfully serve Christ, the Church and you. Please be generous to this important collection. Following is a link to a video featuring the story of the Regina Cleri senior priest residence, which is celebrating 50 years of service this year: Celebrating 50 Years of Service to Boston’s Priests

Religious Education Classes Begin – Opening Day Procedures

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALL2014-2015 Class Schedule
Classes for all grades will begin as follows:
Grades 1–6: Sunday, 9/21 from 10–10:45am or Wednesday, 9/24 from 3:30–4:45pm
Grades 7–10: Sunday, 9/21, from 6 – 8 p.m.
A final calendar and program information can be found on the Religious Education page of the Parish website.

Opening Day Procedures
Grades 1-6:

  • parents and students should report to Philbin Hall in the lower level of St. John’s school where classroom assignments will be posted on the wall
  • parents should accompany their child(ren) to classrooms and should introduce themselves to the teacher
  • students will be dismissed to the coned off area in the parking lot to be picked up unless other arrangements have been made with the teacher
  • classes start at 10:00 a.m. on Sunday & 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday and dismissal times are 10:45 am on Sunday & 4:45 p.m. on Wednesday

Grades 7 -8:

  • students should report to the Parish Center located across the parking lot from the school for room assignments at 6:00 p.m., dismissal is at 8:00 p.m.

Grades 9-10:

  • students should report to Philbin Hall in the lower level of St. John’s school for room assignments at 6:00 p.m., dismissal is at 8:00 p.m.

Parent Meetings

Parents of students in grades 1, 2 and 10 are strongly encouraged to attend informational meetings as follows:
Grade 10 – Sunday, September 28 @ 6:00 p.m.
Grade 1 – Sunday, September 28 @ 7:00 p.m.
Grade 2 – Sunday, September 28 @ 7:30 p.m.

If you have any questions, please contact Jane Leonard,, or Linda Messore,

Why Catholic?

St. Paul’s wwhycatholiclanguages-158x160ill soon be gathering into small faith communities for Why Catholic?. Why Catholic? is a faith formation and evangelization program offered by the Archdiocese for adults to explore the richness of their Catholic faith, deepen their relationship with Christ and share more fully in the mission of the Church. This fall, the program’s theme is “Eucharist – Bread for the Journey” and focuses on the importance of full, active participation in Sunday Mass, the centrality of Christ’s real presence in the Eucharist, the celebration of the Paschal Mystery, and how Catholics live this mystery in their daily lives. This program is open to St. John’s parishioners and gives them an opportunity to meet new friends and share our faith in the comfort of a parishioner’s home. Why Catholic? will begin the week of October 6 and will meet once a week for 6 weeks. More information and signups will be available during the month of September. New members are welcome as well as returning participants. If you would like to be a group leader or open up your home for a group please contact Kay Kociuba, St. Paul Pastoral Associate at (781) 235-1060.

Parish Pancake Breakfast – Sunday, September 21

pancakesPlease join us on Sunday, September 21 for our Parish Pancake Breakfast following our Sunday morning Masses. We will have pancakes in the Social Hall along with games, pony rides, a petting zoo, and much more outside on the grounds!  We look forward to seeing you there!

Welcome to Steven Maddaloni!

Steven_MaddaloniSteven is currently studying at Pope St. John XXIII Seminary and will be participating in the life of the Parish as he completes his ed. assignment for the Seminary. Steven comes to us from the Long Island Rockville Center Diocese. We look forward to his involvement with our Parish community!

Religious Education: Opening Info for Students, Teachers, and Cluster Families

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALL2014-2015 Class Schedule
Classes for all grades will begin as follows:
Grades 1–6: Sunday, 9/21 from 10–10:45am or Wednesday, 9/24 from 3:30–4:45pm
Grades 7–10: Sunday, 9/21, from 6 – 8 p.m.
A final calendar and program information can be found on the Parish website.

Teachers: The kick-off meeting for all teachers is Sunday, September 14, at 10:00 a.m. in Philbin Hall. Please make every effort to attend.
Cluster Families: The opening meeting for those registered as clusters will be held on Monday, September 15, at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center Chapel Room. Lesson plans will be distributed.

If you have any questions, please contact Jane Leonard,, or Linda Messore,