This weekend, April 5-6, the St. John’s community will collectively make an impact on the Central African Republic, where tens of thousands of innocent men, women, and children are suffering from hunger, disease and lack of security after being displaced from their homes by warring rebels and local militia groups. In solidarity with Bishop Nestor, we will collect funds to help the people of the Diocese of Bossangoa restart their lives. We at St. John’s have this opportunity to alleviate great suffering through our unique relationship with Bishop Nestor and the Catholic Church, the only institution still functioning across the CAR.
In the Words of Bishop Nestor
While the needs are great, Bishop Nestor says, “We have learned to cut our coat according to our materials… We thank God for what we have already received and thank the parishioners of St. John’s in advance for their support and help offered to my diocese.”
Bishop Nestor’s efforts are focused on giving people hope and returning their human dignity. Bishop Nestor plans to use the funds for the most immediate needs:
- Helping people rehabilitate their burnt houses

Burned down village on way to Bossangoa
- Helping people to restart new farms
- Equipping people with nonfood items
- Feeding the hungry

Children take refuge in Catholic mission in Bossangoa
Pope Francis’ Call
Additionally, this gift aligns with Pope Francis’ call for Catholics to better focus on helping the poor and those living on the fringe.
Small yet strong in the love of God, like Saint Francis of Assisi,
all of us, as Christians, are called to watch over and protect the fragile world in which we live, and all its peoples.
–Pope Francis
Our Action
We have been praying for the people in CAR through our Prayers of the Faithful during Lent. It is now time to offer our financial support. Please be as generous as you can.
At Masses this Weekend: Please give generously to our Special Second Collection at all masses during the weekend of April 5-6. (Checks can be made payable to “St. John Parish”; we will total all funds and send one check to Bishop Nestor.)
Donations will be accepted by mail and Parish Pay beyond this weekend.
By Mail: Donations can be mailed to the Rectory or dropped off weekdays during regular business hours.
To Donate Online via ParishPay: Click this link and choose 2014 Lenten Gift under One-Time Donations (Please Note: you do not need to be a regular ParishPay user to donate online – anyone can make a secure, one-time donation with a credit card.)
To learn more about Bishop Nestor’s efforts and the ongoing crisis Central African Republic, please visit the 2014 Parish Lenten Gift page where you will find the story in words and pictures, personal reflections on Bishop Nestor from parishioners, as well as many additional links and resources.