St. John the Evangelist Parish – Living the Gospel Mission

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St. John the Evangelist Parish Annual Appeal

October marks the release of our Annual Financial Report and the launch of our 2018 Annual Appeal for St. John the Evangelist Parish. A mailing with the Annual Financial Report, prepared by the Parish Finance Council, will be arriving at the homes of all registered parishioners this week (the report can be viewed now by clicking the link above.) Fr. Jim will be speaking at all Masses at St. John this weekend (October 20-21) to highlight the critical importance of the Parish Annual Appeal in fulfilling the mission of St. John parish. Your parish needs your financial support so that the many ministries within the parish – and the many outreach efforts beyond the parish – can continue to thrive and to grow. Please spend some time prayerfully reflecting upon your contribution to the Parish Annual Appeal.

The mailing includes both a Parish Annual Appeal pledge card and a return envelope. Your pledge card/donation may be returned by mail, dropped at the Parish Office, or placed in a collection at Mass (please be sure to note “Annual Appeal” on your check.) Additional Parish Annual Appeal envelopes are available at the back of the church, along with extra copies of the Annual Financial Report.

Donations can also be made at any time through WeShare, our online giving program – anyone can make a secure, One-Time Donation using a credit card without setting up an account.  Or, if you prefer, you can create a Recurring Donation to spread your contribution to this year’s Parish Annual Appeal over a period of weeks or months of your choosing.  Either way, just click the button below to get started:

Thank you for your continued support of St. John the Evangelist  Parish!

“Evening for Women” – Tuesday, November 6 at 6:30pm at St. John

All women of the collaborative are invited to join us for an evening of prayer, song, food and sharing.  In keeping with our theme, “Blessed is She”, Kelly Meraw, Coordinator of Pastoral Care, will share her reflections on our sisterhood in Christ and the eight beatitudes of our Savior.

A special note:  November 6th is voting day!  Get to the polls early, then join us in Powers Hall at St. John at 6:30 with a dish to share (if you are able.)  The program will begin in the chapel promptly at 6:45.

Here is a peak at upcoming programs!

December 4
Camino Journey Svea Fraser and Barbara Viechnicki

February 5
Seasons of Hope (Grief) Laurie Jacob, MA in Theology and Ministry

March 5
Shrove Tuesday Desserts, Desserts! Lenten Reflection

April 2
Reflections Katherine Twitchell

May 7
Mass Fr. Jim Laughlin


Saint John School Open House

Seasons of Hope – A Faith Sharing Group for Those Who Mourn

A unique Christ-centered support group for the bereaved will be offered in the Collaborative starting on Thursday, November 8. For more information, please pick up a brochure at the back of the church or email Laurie Jacob or call her at 339.222.0335.

CANCELLED: Immigrant and Refugee Services Planning Committee Meeting

Unfortunately, the Immigrant and Refugee Services Planning Committee Meeting with Marjean Perhot, Director of Immigration and Refugee Services for the Archdiocese of Boston, scheduled for Wednesday, October 17 has been cancelled due to illness.  We will announce a new date as soon as we can.

Attention Young Singers! Christmas Youth Choir Sign-Up and First Rehearsal November 4

Our 18th Annual Christmas Youth Choir sign-up and first rehearsal will take place Sunday, November 4 from 10:50-11:50am. All students in grade 1-8 are invited to participate. High School (grade 9-12) Assistants are also welcome (counts towards confirmation community service credit!) Seven rehearsals will take place on the following dates and times (which do not conflict with Sunday Morning Religious Education):

November 4:  10:50-11:50am
November 18:  10:50-11:50am
*November 25:  10:00-11:00am
December 2:  10:50-11:50am
December 9:  10:50-11:50am
*December 16:  10:00-11:00am
*December 23:  10:00 – 11:00am

*Note earlier time.

Children will participate in the 5:30pm Family Mass on Christmas Eve. All rehearsals are in St. John’s Chapel. For more information, please email Maria Wardwell (or by telephone at 781-237-2148. )

Special Second Collection for Cor Unum – October 6-7

We are holding a special second collection this weekend, October 6-7, to support the important work of Cor Unum in light of the recent disaster in Lawrence.

In Lawrence, MA, thousands of our brothers and sisters suffer from hunger. The combination of economic poverty and an unusually expensive housing market leaves many people in Lawrence without enough money to adequately feed themselves. The majority of those who are hungry are members of families who work and do not earn enough income to pay for both housing and food. Cor Unum serves nutritious meals seven days a week to hungry people in Lawrence and welcomes and serves all who are in need with dignity, love and respect.

Cor Unum was seriously impacted by the recent tragic events in Lawrence. It lost electricity for a few days, and then went several weeks without gas for cooking. In the interim, Cor Unum was able to provide “to go” bags during regular meal service hours to ensure that no person went hungry. Cor Unum has now successfully converted to propane, and is once again able to provide hot meals to its clients. Our donations will be used to help offset associated increased costs, as well as the costs of the considerable increase in the volume of diners due to the recent disaster.

Donations can be made during the special second collection at all Masses on the weekend of October 6-7. Please make checks payable to your parish (St. John Parish or St. Paul Parish), noting “Cor Unum” in the memo; we will total funds received from all sources and present one check to Cor Unum. Checks may also be mailed to the Collaborative Business Office (39 Washington St. Wellesley, MA 02481) or dropped at either parish office during business hours.

Donations can also be made online using WeShare. Anyone can make a secure, one-time donation using a credit/debit card or online check – no need to set up an account!

Thank you in advance for your generosity.

A Message from Our Friends at NPH

Last year, for our Collaborative Lenten Gift, we reached out as a community to our friends at Nuestros Pequenos Hermanos (NPH) in Mexico, as they worked to recover from a devastating earthquake. Our gift was specifically directed toward the rebuilding of the boys and girls dormitories in Miacatlán, which were severely damaged. Below is a message from our friends at NPH, a year after the earthquake.

“It has been a full year since the 7.1 magnitude earthquake hit Mexico damaging the dormitories, classrooms, and other structures at NPH Mexico. Reconstruction is well underway and many of the damages have been fully repaired. None of this would be possible without the generosity of communities like the one in Wellesley who raised over $20,000 this spring to aid in the reconstruction efforts. Please take a moment to view the gratitude from the children and youth of NPH Mexico in this video.

Special Mass Schedule on Sunday, September 30

Our Collaborative Outdoor Mass is Sunday, September 30 at 11:00am

So that as many members of our collaborative community as possible may join together for this special liturgy, there will be a reduced Mass schedule at the parishes on Sunday. Both parishes will have Saturday Vigil Masses and Sunday 7:30am Masses.

Special Mass Schedule for September 29-30:

Masses at St. Paul
Saturday: 4:00pm Vigil Mass
Sunday: 7:30am Mass

Masses at St. John
Saturday: 5:00pm Vigil Mass
Sunday: 7:30am Mass

Collaborative Outdoor Mass
Sunday 11:00am at the Wellesley High School Football Stadium

(There will be no Sunday 9:00am, Sunday 11:00am, or Sunday 5:00pm Masses at either parish.)

In the event of rain, the Outdoor Mass will be cancelled

If the 11:00am Outdoor Mass has to be cancelled due to rain, we will have Sunday 11:00am Masses at both parishes in addition to those listed above. We will announce any cancellation by Friday PM via email and the websites.

Special Mass Schedule for September 29-30 in the event of rain: 

Masses at St. Paul in the event of rain: 
Saturday: 4:00pm Vigil Mass
Sunday: 7:30am Mass, 11:00am Mass

Masses at St. John in the event of rain: 
Saturday: 5:00pm Vigil Mass
Sunday: 7:30am Mass, 11:00am Mass

(In the event of rain, there will be no Sunday 9:00am or Sunday 5:00pm Masses at either parish.)