Statement of Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, OFM Cap
Archbishop of Boston

“There are times when words fail us – when they do not capture the depth of overwhelming situations we sometimes face in life. For the Church in the United States this is one of those times.

The Pennsylvania Grand Jury’s report and the first-hand expressions of horror and devastating pain experienced by survivors once again wrench our hearts with the unimaginable that tragically is all too real for those who carry this pain. Once again we hear each excruciating word they share. We remain shamed by these egregious failures to protect children and those who are vulnerable and affirm our commitment that these failures will never be repeated.

While many perpetrators have been held accountable in one way or another for their crimes, we have yet to establish clear and transparent systems of accountability and consequence for Church leadership whose failures have allowed these crimes to occur. The Church must embrace spiritual conversion and demand legal transparency and pastoral accountability for all who carry out its mission. This transformation is not easily achieved, but in all aspects it is imperative. The way we prepare priests, the way we exercise pastoral leadership and the way we cooperate with civil authorities; all these have to be consistently better than has been the case.

As I have stated previously, there are immediate actions that we can and must take. The clock is ticking for all of us in Church leadership, Catholics have lost patience with us and civil society has lost confidence in us. But I am not without hope and do not succumb to despondent acceptance that our failures cannot be corrected. As the Church we have the responsibility to help people not to lose hope, that was Jesus’ message to all those he ministered to, especially in times of great trial. There is too much good in the Church and in our faith to lose hope. Often it is survivors who courageously teach us we cannot lose hope.

Although “zero tolerance” of sexual abuse has been declared and pursued and programs of advocacy and protection of children have been adopted in dioceses throughout country, the memory, the record, the burden carried by survivors and every other fact of sexual abuse stay with the Church. We can never become complacent, this is a life-long ongoing work that demands the highest levels of our constant awareness and attention.

The crisis we face is the product of clerical sins and clerical failures. As a Church, the conversion, transparency and accountability we need is only possible with the significant involvement and leadership of lay men and women in our Church, individuals who can bring their competence, experience and skills to the task we face. We need the help of the laity to address this scourge on our people and Church. If the Church proceeds with deep recognition of these realities the future can hold the opportunity to earn back trust, confidence and support from the community of Catholics and our society. We must proceed quickly and with purpose; there is no time to waste.”

– Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley, OFM Cap  August 16, 2018 

From the Archdiocese of Boston Office of Pastoral Support and Child Protection

To survivors in the Archdiocese of Boston who struggle to process their pain and whose wounds are opened especially wide with the reports from Pennsylvania, please know that Vivian Soper, Director of the Archdiocese’s Office of Pastoral Support and Child Protection and her colleagues stand ready to provide assistance. We encourage you to contact Vivian at 617-746-5985. To the survivors and their loved ones, we must again apologize and ask forgiveness. While much has been accomplished in the protection of children with the participation of the laity, there remains much more to be done. We are committed to the fulfillment of this responsibility as a continuing priority for the work of the Church.


Religious Education: Grades 7-8 Program Update

We have updated the St. John’s Grade 7 & 8 Religious Education program in an attempt to deliver lessons more effectively to middle school students.  The program will include six (6) activity based on-site classes, which will take place on Sunday mornings, coupled with an on-line learning component.  Please register your 7th and 8th graders as soon as possible so you will receive all of the information about these changes. 

For further insight into these changes and details on the schedule and lessons we invite all 7th and 8th grade students and parents to an information session on Sunday, September 23rd at 10:00 am on the stage side of Powers Hall.


Religious Education registration for 2018-2019 commenced in early March and was extended to June 30.   Wednesday registration is now closed and we will be unable to allow for additional registrations unless we get more volunteers to teach.

For Sunday registrations our online registration process can be accessed HERE Any registrations received from this point forward will incur the $25 per child late fee.  Our calendar and information for the 2018-2019 program will be available in the coming weeks.

PLEASE CONSIDER BEING A RELIGIOUS ED TEACHER:  We once again find ourselves short of teachers for our Religious Education program.  You do not need any special skills or abilities, just the willingness to share your faith with the children of our parish.  We provide materials and support to help you and are especially in need for help on Wednesday afternoons.  Whether you are a parent, a grandparent, a high school or college student, or just a parishioner looking to encourage the youth of the parish in their faith, we want to talk to you.  Please contact Linda Messore at to set up a meeting to discuss options and opportunities.  Thank you in advance for considering to volunteer.


Where Are You on Your Faith Journey?

RCIA is the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. It the process by which adults enter full communion with our Church, through the sacraments of Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist (Communion). RCIA can help you along your faith journey if:

  • You want to join the Church, and have never been baptized.
  • You have been baptized in another Christian faith tradition, but want to join the Catholic Church.
  •  You have been baptized in the Catholic Church, but never had your First Communion or Confirmation.

If any of these describes your current situation and you seek full membership in the Catholic faith family, consider joining our Collaborative RCIA program. We meet weekly throughout the school year, with culmination in the celebration of the Rites of Initiation at the Easter Vigil in spring. RCIA begins in the autumn with a no-obligation period of exploration and discernment.
If you think RCIA might be for you, contact either parish office by phone, or email We’d love to hear from you!

Wednesday, August 15: Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Assumption of Mary_ContemporaryMass Schedule for the Collaborative

7:00am at St. John Church
9:00am at St. Paul Church
12:00pm at St. John Church
7:00pm at St. Paul Church

Important Information About Our New Collaborative Confirmation Program

We are excited to announce that this year we will be utilizing a common curriculum – Dynamic Catholic  for both the St. John and St. Paul Grade 9 & 10 Confirmation Preparation Programs. The program will consist of six Sunday evening classes, and will begin in September. There are many changes to the schedule and requirements so it is critical that families register as soon as possible so they will receive all of the pertinent information about our new program and schedule. You may register online HERE.

For your convenience, two meetings (attend one at either location) for St. John and St. Paul parents and students are scheduled for:

Thursday, September 6: 7:30pm – 8:15pm St. Paul’s Parish Hall
Wednesday, September 12:  7:30pm – 8:15pm St. John’s Powers Hall

Additional details about the meeting and program will be sent to all families registered for the Confirmation Preparation program. Again, it is critical that 9th and 10th grade students are registered as soon as possible. We look forward to sharing more details and information in the coming weeks!

Our Collaborative Outdoor Mass – Sunday, September 30 at 11:00am

Special Collaborative Mass Schedule on the Weekend of September 29-30

Masses at St. John:
Saturday 5:oopm Vigil Mass
Sunday 7:30am Mass at St. John

Masses at St. Paul:
Saturday 4:oopm Vigil Mass
Sunday 7:30am Mass

Collaborative Outdoor Mass:
Sunday 11:00am at the Wellesley High School Football Field

Please Note: There will be no 9:00am, 11:00am, or 5:00pm Masses at either parish on Sunday, September 30.

Pauline Sisters Books & Media after all Masses July 27-28

The Daughters of St. Paul, with the Pauline Publishing in Jamaica Plain & the Pauline Book Center on Route 1 in Dedham, will be here at St. John’s July 27th and 28th.

Be sure to stop by their display for Spiritual reading, Lives of the Saints, books for Children, DVD’s, music, Gifts, and more! Choose some great Summer Reading to enrich your faith and share it with others! Additionally you can check out their website:

A Word of Thanks from Fr. Jim

Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and God of all encouragement, who encourages us in our every affliction, so that we may be able to encourage those who are in any affliction with the encouragement with which we ourselves are encouraged by God.
(2 Cor 1:3-4)

My dear sisters and brothers in Christ,

I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all of you who have given such great support to my family and me as we grieve the loss of my father. I have truly been overwhelmed by your love and generosity. Thank you to all who sent cards and Mass offerings and all who have kept us in your prayers. Thank you to all who attended the wake and the funeral. Your presence was such a gift and healing balm at our time of loss. Thanks to the many choir members from St. Paul’s and St. John’s who joined with the choir of Good Shepherd in Wayland to provide heavenly music for the funeral liturgy. Words cannot express the depth of my gratitude.

It is one of my greatest privileges as a priest and pastor to walk with you in the joys and the sorrows of your lives. In these last few weeks, our roles have been reversed and I have discovered in new ways how blessed I am to be part of this community of faith. I will be forever grateful for your outreach to my family and me in our time of grief. In your prayers and support, we have experienced the embrace of our loving God.

With gratitude and love,

Fr. Jim

Religious Education Teachers Needed!

Religious-Education-REGISTERPLEASE CONSIDER BEING A RELIGIOUS ED TEACHERWe once again find ourselves short teachers for our Religious Education program. You do not need any special skills or abilities, just the willingness to share your faith with the children of our parish. We provide materials and support to help you and are especially in need for help on Wednesday afternoons, which are currently closed unless we can find additional teachers (see below.) Whether you are a parent, a grandparent, a high school or college student, or just a parishioner looking to encourage the youth of the parish in their faith, we want to talk to you. Please contact Linda Messore at to set up a meeting to discuss options and opportunities. Thank you in advance for considering to volunteer.

Religious Education registration for 2018-2019 commenced in early March and was extended to June 30. Our online registration process can be accessed from the Religious Ed page. Any registrations received from this point forward will incur the $25 per child late fee.  Our Wednesday program is now full and will remain closed to new registrations unless we are able to get more teachers.  Our calendar and information for the 2018-2019 program will be available in August.

Happy 4th of July!

The St. John-St. Paul Collaborative Offices will be closed on Wednesday, July 4.