Religious Education News for the Week of October 23

This Week:
Grades 1 – 6: Class 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
Grades 7 – 8: Class 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Friends for Good 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Grade 9: Friends for Good 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.
Class 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Grade 10: Class 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Next Week:
Grade 2: Enrollment Mass 9:00 a.m. Family Mass
Grades 1 – 6: Class 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
Grades 1- 6: Class 3:30 – 4:45 p.m.

Parent Meetings
Thank you to all of the parents of students in grades 1, 2 and 10 who attended the information meetings on Sunday, October 16th . The agendas for these meetings and respective documents can all be found on the Religious Ed page of the St. John’s website.


Refugee Relief Orientation – Thursday, October 20 at the Laboure Center

TCatholic Charities Logohe date for the next Refugee Relief orientation is set for Thursday, October 20th at 6:00pm and will last for an hour. It will take place on the second floor of the Laboure Center, which is the branch of Catholic Charities located at 275 W Broadway in South Boston, about four blocks down from Broadway station on the Red Line. There is a parking lot in the back, and be sure to park in the white spaces. At the meeting CC leaders will review information about the refugee situation in general and how it relates to the services provided by CC, as well as look at some upcoming opportunities for volunteers. Please bring a government-issued form of ID, like your driver’s license or passport. If you have any questions, please contact the Rectory.

Religious Education News for the Week of October 16

This Week:
Grades 1 – 6: Class 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.

Grades 1- 6: Class 3:30 – 4:45 p.m.

PARENT MEETINGS – Sunday, October 16
Parents of students in grades 1, 2 and 10 are strongly encouraged to attend information meetings on Sunday, October 16th as follows:

Grade 10 [Confirmation] at 6:00 p.m.
Grade 1 [Program & Christmas Pageant] at 7:00 p.m.
Grade 2 [First Reconciliation & First Communion] at 7:30 p.m.

With over 400 families in our program it is impossible to follow up individually with all who cannot attend, so please contact a friend to provide you the information if you are not available to attend. Notes from the meeting will also be available on the Religious Ed page of the St. John’s website after the meeting.

A Letter from Fr. Jim…

Fr_JimMy dear friends in Christ,

First of all, let me express my heartfelt thanks for the warm welcome you have given me since I arrived as pastor of the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative in July. I am truly blessed to be pastor of two wonderful parishes, each with rich traditions of vibrant liturgies, inspiring music, countless opportunities for faith formation for all ages and outreach to the needy. Both parishes are thriving and we hope to enhance the vitality of each parish as we grow together as a collaborative.

One significant aspect of the collaborative is the way the staffs of both parishes work closely together. Some staff members, including the priests, deacon, Director of Operations and Finance, and Business Manager, are assigned to the collaborative as a whole. Others, including religious education staff, music ministry and administrative staff, are assigned to the individual parishes. All staff of both parishes work in close collaboration with each other. As a result, we will soon be making adjustments to the physical locations of some staff so that those who work together most closely can work together more easily and efficiently.

  • Religious Education and Music Staff will remain in their current locations both at St. John’s and St. Paul’s.
  • The main offices for the Pastor, Parochial Vicar, St. Paul’s Pastoral Associate and Youth Ministry Coordinator will be at St. Paul’s at 502 Washington Street. St. Paul’s administrative staff will also be on site every weekday until noon.
  • Our new Collaborative Administrative Offices will be at the Parish Center at St. John’s (former convent) at 39 Washington Street. All offices formerly at St. John’s Rectory will be here, in addition to the Business Manager and administrative staff.

We plan to transition staff to their new locations by November 1, 2016.

The above is just a practical reorganization so that we can work and minister together more effectively. The priests and other staff will be happy to meet you at whatever location is most convenient for you. We are here for you!

Look for regular updates and Frequently Asked Questions in the bulletin. I am excited to begin this journey of faith together!

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Fr. Jim

Reverend James J. Laughlin, Pastor

Invitations from the Adult Faith Formation Commission

AFFC LogoAFFC (Adult Faith Formation Commission) is expanding its membership and we invite you to consider being a part of this very important activity. This invitation is open to members of both St. John and St. Paul parishes. As a collaborative, we have an opportunity to share membership in coordinating efforts relating to faith formation for adults. The goal is to help parishioners expand and enhance our understanding and appreciation of the Catholic faith, which includes the message of the gospels, prayer, lectures and study. In the words of St. Anselm, this is the work of theology: “faith seeking understanding.” By doing so we deepen our knowledge and our relationship with Jesus Christ and one another. Meetings are limited to planning events (every 6-8 weeks) and much of the work can be done by individuals and coordinated informally by email and telephone. Please contact the AFFC for a lot more information!

EVENING FOR WOMEN will return on Tuesday, November 1 at 6:30 p.m. in St. John’s Chapel/Powers Hall. Save the Date!

WHY CATHOLIC? Coming Soon – Journey through the Catechism Pray: Christian Prayer Groups are forming now! Contact Kay Kociuba at

Religious Education News for the Week of October 9

This Week:
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9 – No classes
Next Week:
Grades 1 – 6: Class 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
CORRECTION – Grade 7-10: No Class
Grades 1- 6: Class 3:30 – 4:45 p.m.

PARENT MEETINGS – Sunday, October 16
Parents of students in grades 1, 2 and 10 are strongly encouraged to attend information meetings on Sunday, October 16th as follows:

Grade 10 [Confirmation] at 6:00 p.m.
Grade 1 [Program & Christmas Pageant] at 7:00 p.m.
Grade 2 [First Reconciliation & First Communion] at 7:30 p.m.

With over 400 families in our program it is impossible to follow up individually with all who cannot attend, so please contact a friend to provide you the information if you are not available to attend. Notes from the meeting will also be available on the Religious Ed page of the St. John’s website after the meeting.

Blessing of the Animals – Sunday, October 16 at 3:00pm

blessing-of-the-animals_2016Please join us on Sunday, October 16 at 3:00pm for the SJSP Collaborative
“Blessing of the Animals”
.  All loved animals are welcome – real, toy and photo!  (Saint John School parking lot)

For their safety, all real animals should be leashed or in a carrier. 

Attention Young Singers! Christmas Youth Choir Rehearsals Will Begin October 30

Music_Youth Choir LogoOur 16th Annual Christmas Youth Choir sign-up and first rehearsal will take place Sunday, October 30th: 10:50-11:50am. All students in grade 1-8 are invited to participate. High School (grade 9-12) Assistants are also welcome (counts towards confirmation community service credit!) Seven rehearsals will take place on the following dates:

October 30:  10:50-11:50am
November 6:  10:50-11:50am
November 13:  10:50-11:50am
November 20:  10:50-11:50am
December 4:  10:50-11:50am
December 11:  10:50-11:50am
*December 18:  10:00 – 11:00am

*Note earlier time.

Children will participate in the Family Mass on Christmas Eve. All rehearsals are in St. John’s Chapel. For more information, please email Maria Wardwell (or by telephone at 781-237-2148. )


2016 Annual Financial Report and Annual Appeal Collection

Church_WatercolorPlease watch for the St. John Annual Financial Report, prepared by our Parish Finance Council, which will be arriving at the homes of all registered parishioners this week.  (You can read the report now by clicking the link above.) Finance Council members will be at all Masses this weekend, October 1-2, to highlight the key points of the report.

The mailing also includes your 2016 Annual Appeal Collection pledge card. Our online giving program, ParishPay, can also be used for contributions to the Annual Appeal. Please visit the Online Giving page on our website for more information.

The parish needs your financial support in order that our ministries within the parish and many outreach efforts beyond our parish can continue to thrive and to grow. Although we will be reaching out for your financial support, we ask you to support the good works of the parish in whatever way you can. We have many ministries and ways to be involved. Please stay informed by reading the bulletin and checking our website regularly for Parish news and service opportunities.

Thank you for your continued support of St. John the Evangelist Parish!

Saint John School Open House – Wednesday, October 12

open-house-october-2016-flyerMorning Session: 8:00-9:30am
Evening Session: 6:30-8:00pm
Meet our teachers, visit classrooms, and speak to our Principal and parents. Come and see how Saint John School sets a standard of excellence for academic achievement and life long impact. Our school is a place where a spirit of faith is celebrated in a community of shared virtues.

Saint John School is located at 9 Ledyard St. Wellesley Hills, MA, next to St. John the Evangelist Church.  For more information, please visit our website or contact Principal Michael Dibbert at 781-235-0300.