Category Archives: Important Announcements

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FAITH MATTERS: “The Son of Man”

christ-good-shepherd-icon-orthodox-window-into-heavenJesus’ favorite term for Himself was “The Son of Man” – How does this impact Evangelii Gaudium?

“The Son of Man” is how Jesus most often refers to himself in the Gospels, 30 times in Matthew, 14 times in Mark, 25 times in Luke and 12 times in John. However the phrase (including the definite article), never appears as such in the Old Testament. So what did Jesus mean when He used this phrase to describe Himself? And what are the implications for all of us?

What does appear in the Old Testament is “son of man” without the definite article (literally “son of adam”); this appears over one hundred times. This usage is what Jesus would have known as He studied scripture. It appears 93 times in Ezekiel, and 14 times elsewhere including in Numbers, Job, Psalms, Isaiah and in a text in Daniel which was originally written in Aramaic (7:13-14). However, its usage in Daniel is very different from how it is used the other 106 times.
In all cases, apart from Daniel, ‘son of man’ appears to refer to our weakness and frailness as human beings. Sometimes it is used as if it is a substitute for a personal pronoun. In the case of Ezekiel, it is used by a divine being to refer to Ezekiel. It appears to be a title referring to the humanity of the author, similar to calling someone human.

The single appearance of “son of man” in Daniel refers to a vision about “the times of the end.” The quotation, “there came with the clouds of the sky ‘one like a son of man’” seems to describe one “like a human being”. Indeed, Jesus seems to be referring to Daniel’s vision when He responds to the High Priest in Mark 14:61: “I am; and you shall see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of Power, and coming with the clouds of heaven.” Daniel’s usage is favored by Christian interpreters of the phrase whereas Jewish scriptural commentators favor the ‘human being’ meaning.

What is the relevance of all this? In a sense Jesus, in Himself, satisfies both aspects of the phrase’s usage. He is an ordinary human like the rest of us but following His death, resurrection and ascension, He, as the risen Christ, is the fulfilment of Daniel’s vision.

However, Jesus does not simply call Himself, “son of man;” He calls Himself “The Son of Man.” This implies that He is the one and only son of man! Or rather, He is the complete expression of humanity; the model human. Just as all humans are “born of Adam”, Jesus, in Himself, is the representation of all humanity. In a sense He embodies all humanity.

What this means is that when Jesus offers Himself as the Lamb for the Passover sacrifice (whose blood is the mark which ensures that death “passes over” us), then, just as Jesus rose to new life in the Resurrection, so do we! That is what is so tremendously important about the mystery of the Incarnation – Jesus becomes human so we become one with Jesus. What happened to Jesus happens to us. When we suffer Jesus suffers and vice-versa, as Jesus said in Matthew 25:40: “whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.” The Risen Jesus is eternally present in each of us, He is “I Am”, the eternal now, so a consequence of the Incarnation is that Jesus is as truly present in our ‘brothers and sisters’ as at the Consecration. Every kindness, or meanness, we visit on another we do to Jesus Christ. I am reminded of Hebrews 13:2: “forget not to show love unto strangers; for thereby some have entertained angels unawares.”

Evangelli Gaudium, in my view, is a rallying call to all of us! It is calling us to break free of the prisons we have created for ourselves. Prisons of individualism, of self-reliance, of self absorption, of loneliness, of meaninglessness. Jesus came to set the prisoners free (Luke 4:18 quoting Isaiah 61:1), perhaps we are prisoners in a prison of ourselves? To be free is to accept, indeed welcome, all humanity as our brothers and sisters; all of us are in Jesus Christ our Risen Lord and He is in us. We are members of His body (Ephesians 5:30); and Jesus is one of us, as Jesus clearly states to Paul on the road to Damascus, “I am Jesus whom you persecute!” Jesus makes no distinction between Himself and the Body of Christ; we are one. Recognizing this truth, welcoming it, living it, is what Pope Francis calls us all to do in Evangelli Gaudium. The Joy of the Gospel is to open wide our lives, our hearts, our gifts, our wealth, our time, to share with each other, that is, Jesus for as He said, “Whatever you did not do for one of the least of these, you did not do it to Me” (Matthew 25:45).

Holy Week

easter crossWEDNESDAY, APRIL 16
6:30pm – 8:00pm The Light is On For You
Sacrament of Reconciliation in the Chapel
7:30pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Followed by Adoration until 10:00pm
12:00pm Walk with the Cross
Led by Religious Education Cluster Families – everyone welcome!
3:00pm Stations of the Cross
7:30pm The Lord’s Passion
10:00am – 12:00pm Sacrament of Reconciliation
7:30pm Mass of the Easter Vigil
7:30am Easter Sunday Mass
9:00am Easter Sunday Family Mass
11:00am Easter Sunday Mass
Upper and Lower Church



“Hosanna to the Son of David;
blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord;
hosanna in the highest.”

Matthew, 21:9

Our 2014 Parish Lenten Gift to Central African Republic: Introducing Bishop Nestor Désiré NONGO-AZIAGBIA, SMA

Do You Remember Him at St. John’s?

Fr Nestor_CrossIn the summer of 2006, Father Nestor spent a month at St. John Parish as a visiting priest from the Society of African Missions (SMA). While he was only in our Parish a short time, he made strong connections with several parishioners and they remain in touch. Below are selected quotes from parishioners who wrote letters reflecting on their time spent with Father Nestor (please visit Fr. Nestor: Personal Reflections from Parishioners on our website to read the letters.)

“He was outgoing, personable, pastoral, energetic and curious. He wanted to know everyone and experience everything. He was a tall, elegant man and often spotted around Wellesley wearing the
most colorful African-style shirt.”

–Julie and Frank McConville

“I recall introducing Father Nestor to the mayor of Newton, Setti Warren. They had a wonderful chat and Father Nestor later quizzed me at length about how the city was run, how leaders were
chosen and how decisions made.”

–John Stewart

Bishop Nestor Today

Most Rev. Dr. Nestor Désiré NONGO AZIAGBIA SMA, age 44, was appointed Bishop of Bossangoa, Central African Republic, in May 2012.

Imagine his responsibility as Bishop to over 350,000 people living in a country where the government has no power, basic services like healthcare and education have collapsed, and there is no rule of law and no police. In this situation of chaos, the Catholic Church stands as virtually the only national institution that still functions. Bishop Nestor and his staff are organizing care for as many as 35,000 people, mostly woman and children, on the 40-acre diocesan compound, the only safe haven to escape the violence.

Bishop Nestor’s Words:
“They have suffered the worst: rape, assassination and murder, kidnapping and ransom demands,
destruction of property, the theft of cows, destruction of farmland, the burning of houses.”

“Action needs to be taken fast before it is too late.”

·“We need to give back to the people what they have lost. Their goods, their dignity, and allow them to be
free from fear. We need to give them reasons for hope and for walking again with their head up high.
We give faith and hope, but in the case of Bossangoa, charity has to be shown and fast.”

“We have to keep reassuring the people. In fact they are to be responsible for their own lives. I stress this
aspect of self-responsibility.”

Our Response?

We parishioners of St. John’s find ourselves with a unique opportunity to know one of the few people in the chaos of the CAR who can actually provide food, shelter and security for those displaced and can advocate for peace. In next week’s bulletin we will describe how our Lenten Gift Special Collection on April 5-6 will be offered to Bishop Nestor for restoration of church buildings and to help give people their dignity back: to rehabilitate burnt houses, to help re-start farms, to provide Non-Food Items (NFI) and to feed the hungry.

For more information, please the 2014 Parish Lenten Gift page on our website. 

Attention Young Singers – Registration Closes Sunday!

Music_Youth Choir LogoRegistration closes this Sunday, March 23 for the St. John’s Easter Youth Choir.  Children in grades 1-8 are invited to participate in this choir that will sing at the 9:00 AM Family Mass on Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014.  High School Assistants are welcome. There are 5 rehearsals: March 16, March 23, March 30, April 4, and April 13.  All rehearsals are from 10:50-11:50am in the Chapel.

For more information and to register call Maria Wardwell 781-237-2148 or

St. John’s Music: Parish Choir Easter Season

easter musicWe will prepare music for Palm Sunday and Easter as well as the important events of Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and the Easter Vigil.  Those who have participated in these events in the past can testify to the palette of emotions they’ve experienced… the excitement of the Hosannas at Palm Sunday, the tears and loneliness of Holy Thursday, the emptiness and grief of Good Friday, the anticipation of discovering the stone rolled away only to find an empty tomb giving is cause for more profound Alleluias!

The music has been chosen to reflect the variety of these emotions – now we ask you to join with us to give breath and sound to the music!  There are no auditions.  All you need to do is have a willing spirit to share your joy for singing with others and allow yourself to plan some extra time to enter into the singing by attending the necessary rehearsals.

Our regular rehearsal time is 9:30am (new time) on Sundays in the Music Office. Extra rehearsals are scheduled for the following Sundays: March 23, March 30, and April 6 at 12noon (following 11:-00am Mass.) Masses during the evenings of Holy Week begin at 7:30pm; Parish Choir gathers at 6:30pm to warm up and get ready for Mass.

For more information please speak with any choir member of Laurence Carson at 781-235-0034 or



A Lenten Message from Fr. Tom Powers and Sr. Evelyn Ronan

Once again that special time of grace is before us, filled with opportunities, filled with invitations.  This year we are so happy to extend to you an invitation from Pope Francis that opens his recent Exhortation, The Joy of the Gospel:

Lenten Cloud CrossI invite all Christians, everywhere, at this very moment, to a renewed personal encounter with Jesus Christ, or at least an openness to letting him encounter them; I ask all of you to do this unfailingly each day.  No one should think that this invitation is not meant for him or her, since ‘no one is excluded from the joy brought by the Lord.’  The Lord does not disappoint those who take this risk; whenever we take a step toward Jesus, we come to realize that he is already there, waiting for us with open arms.

During the weeks ahead, our Lenten Program again provides numerous opportunities to nourish our prayer and learning and reflect on how we can respond anew to our personal encounter with Jesus Christ.

With a tenderness that never disappoints, but is always capable of restoring our joy, he makes it possible for us to lift up our heads and to start anew.

May it be for one and all, a journey into new joy!

Catholic Appeal 2014: Forward in Hope

This past week, the Archdiocese of Boston launched the 2014 Catholic Appeal, Forward in Hope. The Appeal supports 50 ministries that benefit our parish and thousands of our brothers and sisters in Christ. Your support of this important effort helps make our parish a thriving, welcoming community of faith. If you have yet to do so, please consider pledging your support to the 2014 Appeal. You are encouraged to watch this year’s video and share it with your family and friends by clicking on the image below:

Saint John School Kindergarten Open House and Visiting Day – Wednesday, February 26

Kindergarten Visiting Day Open House flyerSaint John School will be holding a special Kindergarten Open House and Visiting Day on Wednesday, February 26 from 8:00 – 9:30am.  If you are thinking about kindergarten options for your child, please join us for a formal presentation on our kindergarten curriculum, followed by a kindergarten parent panel to answer questions and a tour of our actual classrooms to observe our students in action.  Come learn more about the Saint John School difference!

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament CANCELLED Today Due to Weather

Winter_Weather_CancellationsAdoration of the Blessed Sacrament will not be held today, Thursday, February 13  due to weather.