Category Archives: Important Announcements

Posts that need to appear on the front page of the website go in this category.

Movie Night and Potluck Supper – Saturday, March 2 after 5PM Mass

of-gods-and-men-posterWe invite all parishioners to a showing of the movie “Of Gods and Men,” a deeply moving and profoundly beautiful film about a group of monks working in the mountains of Algeria who are faced with the most difficult decision of their lives when the country erupts in civil war.  Loosely based on actual events that took place between 1993 and 1996. Please join us for a special evening together. SPECIAL REQUEST: Please bring your casserole or salad to Social Hall before Mass. Dessert and beverages provided.


February 13, 2013
Masses: 7:00am, 12pm, and 5:30pm

Compassionate God, You bless us with the abundance of Your love and grace us with the gift of Your eternal presence. In this Lenten time give us the wisdom to recognize our poverty and the compassion to share it’s treasure with our brothers and sisters. We ask this through Your Son Jesus Christ, who gave our life for us.

February 8: From the Archdiocese of Boston – Blizzard Warning & The Sunday Mass Obligation

RCAB LogoThe Catholic faithful are reminded to exercise prudence this weekend as they seek to fulfill their Sunday Mass obligation. Weather forecasts predict a significant amount of snowfall on Friday and Saturday, and Archdiocesan officials have already been in contact with parish staffs about the steps that can be taken to prevent building damage and accidents during the storm. The Office of Divine Worship urges all Catholics to heed the travel advisories of their cities and towns, and to stay off the roads during the peak hours of the storm and plow operation. The faithful are encouraged to use good judgment when planning to travel to Mass. Hopefully the storm will have passed on Saturday, and roadways will be clear for travel on Sunday. In the event that roadways are not clear for travel on Sunday, the faithful are reminded that the obligation to attend Sunday Mass does not apply when there is grave difficulty in fulfilling this obligation. (See Code of Canon Law, Canon 1248 §2)

Thank You from Haiti Marycare!

Haiti MarycareA thank you to our parishioners for the tremendous support that St. John the Evangelist gave to Haiti Marycare through our Advent vitamin collection.  “…Thank you for not forgetting the Haitian people and for trusting us to deliver and distribute your donations properly.  We know in directing the work of Haiti Marycare, part of our responsibility is to tell the people of Haiti of the caring shown to them by their friends at St. John’s.  You can be sure we will take great honor and pride in telling them of your great kindness.  You have all made a huge difference in many people’s lives…”  Please click here to read the full letter.

An Invitation from the St. Paul Catholic Men’s Fellowship Group

The St. Paul Catholic Men’s Fellowship Group of Wellesley meets next on Wednesday, February 6th at 7:30 PM in the Lower Church, 502 Washington Street. We begin our next book, The Seven Big Myths about the Catholic Church, Distinguishing Fact from Fiction about Catholicism by Dr. Christopher Kaczor. With great reviews this new book covers topics of interest to all Catholics including: the Church’s stance on freedom and happiness, women, contraception, gays, same-sex marriage and celibacy as the cause of sexual abuse of minors. We begin by setting the stage with the Introduction of the book and covering Chapter One, “The Church Opposes Science: The Myth of Catholic Irrationality”. We cordially invite the men of St. John the Evangelist Parish to join us. Each faith-filled meeting lasts for approximately one hour and is full of lively discussion in a spiritual setting. We have room for more participants. Please come for personal and spiritual nourishment…and bring a friend. For more information call 781-237-6738 or 781-237-0759.

The St. Paul Catholic Men’s Fellowship Group is  planning to car-pool to the Catholic Men’s Conference to be held at the DCU Center in Worcester on Saturday, March 16, 2013. Scheduled for this all-day conference are dynamic talks from outstanding Catholic leaders: Fr. James Martin, SJ; NHL & Olympic Referee Kerry Fraser; Fr. Sammie L. Maletta; and Joe McClane, “The Catholic Hack.” Bishop McManus will offer the conference Mass. Bishops, diocesan and religious priests are available for confession. For a Conference brochure, further information, or registration, call 508-929-4345 or visit the website, for information and ticket purchase. Tickets are $45 per person ($60 after March 3rd). We cordially invite the men of St. John the Evangelist Parish as well as their sons, brothers, fathers and friends to join the St. Paul Men’s Group in this annual event. For Wellesley car-pool information call Tory DeFazio 781-237-6738 or Joe Cavanaugh at 781-237-0759

February 3: News and Events from the AFFC

AFFC Logo* * * Important Change of Schedule * * *
The Evening for Women scheduled for February 5 has been postponed until March 5.  Sorry for the inconvenience – please spread the word. Thank you!
Thursday, February 7
Lecture: The Heart of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition
Presenter: Fr. Robert Imbelli, Theology Prof. at B.C.
Respondents: BC Professors Marina McCoy (Philosophy) and
Khaled Anastolios (Theology)
Boston College, Gasson Hall, Room 100, 5:30 p.m.

Wednesday, February 20
Panel Discussion: Future of Catholic Periodicals: Finances, Faith and the Digital Age
Editors Panel: Matt Malone, S.J. (America); Paul Baumann (Commonweal) and Meinrad Sherer-Edmunds (U.S. Catholic)
Boston College, Gasson Hall, Room 100, 5:30 p.m.

Wednesday, February 27
Book Launch: New Voices in Catholic Theology
Presenters: Anna Bonata Moreland, Professor, Department of Humanities, Villanova University and Joseph Curran, Professor of Religious Studies,Misericordia College
Boston College, Corcoran Commons, Heights Room, 5:00 p.m.

Monday, March 18
Episcopal Visitor Lecture: The Challenge of Catholic Teaching on War and Peace in the Present Moment
Presenter: Bishop Robert McElroy, Vicar for Parish Life and Development, Archdiocese of San Francisco
Boston College, Corcoran Commons, Heights Room, 4:30 p.m.

Wednesday, March 20
Book Launch: Encountering Jesus in the Scripture
Presenters: Fr. Daniel Harrington, SJ & Christopher R. Matthews
Boston College, Theology & Ministry Library, 5:30 p.m.

For more information about events at Boston College, please visit the Boston College Event Calendar.

Adult Faith Formation Commission

Tonight’s AFFC Lecture is Cancelled Due Illness

CancelledUnfortunately, tonight’s Adult Faith Formation Commission lecture with Professor Jeff Bloechl has been cancelled due to illness, and will be rescheduled at a later date.  We apologize for the short notice.

Friends for Good – Learn More About This Dynamic Component of Our Religious Education Program

Friends for Good_1Friends for Good is a dynamic component of the Religious Education Program designed to enable older students (Grades 7-10) to put their faith into action while deepening their individual commitment as life-long disciples of Christ. The wide variety of activities and events are intended to encourage personal reflection, create a sense of community, and promote social outreach. Through camaraderie, fellowship, and good will, participants foster the mission of the Catholic faith for the benefit of themselves and their neighbors.  Learn more – visit the Friends for Good page!

January 27, 2013: News from the AFFC


Wednesday, January 30, 7:30pm, Social Hall: Jeff Bloechl on Catholic philosopher Charles Taylor  The Adult Faith Formation Commission is delighted to announce that Jeff Bloechl, Associate Professor of Philosophy at BC, specializing in contemporary philosophy, philosophy of religion, and Christian philosophy will speak on the Catholic philosopher Charles Taylor.   Connecting to the legacy of the Church’s great intervening event, Vatican Council II, Professor Bloechl, who recently returned from a seminar with Professor Taylor, has described him as  “… a true Vatican II thinker, in the best sense.”  Please join us for what promises to be a thoughtful and exciting evening!

Tuesday, February 5, 6:30pm, Social Hall: Evening for Women   This year’s theme focuses us on the door of faith always open for us, beckoning us to rediscover more about the core of faith as love offered and accepted, an invitation to ponder the biblical revelation of love. Through reflection, prayer, sharing, with a fabulous pot-luck, we’ll enter that door of faith together. (Bring one of your favorite winter recipes!) Moderator: Sr. Evelyn Ronan, SND

Thursday, February 7
Lecture: The Heart of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition
Presenter: Fr. Robert Imbelli, Theology Professor at B.C.
Respondents: BC Professors Marina McCoy (Philosophy) and Khaled Anastolios (Theology), at Boston College, Gasson Hall, Room 100, 5:30 p.m.

Wednesday, February 20
Panel Discussion: Future of Catholic Periodicals: Finances, Faith and the Digital Age  Editors Panel: Matt Malone, S.J. (America); Paul Baumann (Commonweal) and Meinrad Sherer-Edmunds (U.S. Catholic), at Boston College, Gasson Hall, Room 100, 5:30 p.m.

First Sunday Choir

choirFIRST SUNDAY CHOIR meets, as the name suggests, on the first Sunday of every month from October to June at 9am to prepare a special choral piece(s) to be sung that same day at the 11am Mass. Children, grownups, families are encouraged to gather with other singers in the Music Office downstairs to learn an anthem (song) to be sung at Mass. At 10am we take a 10 minute break after which we resume rehearsal. No prior music/singing experience is necessary and there are no auditions. Children under 12 must bring a singing adult with them!! We’ll have a good time together learning about healthful vocal technique, music theory basics as we sing some very accessible, enjoyable music. This is the perfect opportunity for anyone who wants to participate in choir singing but cannot commit to a regular, weekly rehearsal schedule.

Songs (anthems) planned for our next two FSC include:

Sunday, Feb 3 : The familiar “Make me a channel of your peace” (St. Francis prayer) arranged by Jane Holstein and “Lord, Lead Me, Lord” arranged by Gilbert Martin.

Sunday, March 3: Two beloved and moving spirituals – “Steal Away to Jesus” arranged by John Barnard and “We are Climbing Jacob’s Ladder” arranged by Horace Clarence Boyer. You won’t want to miss being in the middle of the group singing these songs.

For more information, please visit the Parish Choir page on the website.