Christmas Wish Thank You to all of our St. John Community

Christmas_Thank YouThe Christmas Wish 2013 Committee would like to thank each one of you that generously donated time, contributions, shopping efforts, coordination of parish family needs, data entry, attending meetings, bundling packages, matching gifts to families, and many tireless efforts to make Christmas. We worked with 152 families and over 400 children in St. Patrick’s in Brockton, St Patrick’s in Lowell, St Katharine Drexel in Roxbury, Julie’s Family Learning Program in South Boston, and St. John the Evangelist in Wellesley to provide gifts of clothing, toys, special gift wishes, and even food cards to make the holiday special for so many.

Over 240 St. John families helped with this effort by family sponsorship, shopping, financial donations, program co-ordination, religious ed community service, and gift delivery. We extend a special thanks to McCabe Movers for their donation of the truck for gift delivery again this year. We thank Bill Logan and Steve DuFour for volunteering to deliver the gifts to Lowell and Roxbury, joined by Steve’s son. We would also like to thank our committee of Kathy Maher, Christine Kehoe, Becky Kannam, Paula Gomez, Peg Tally, Corinne Spinale, Pat Colton, Alyson Karpowicz, Joyce Farah, Donna Buckley, Liz Corcoran, Susan Logan, Patti DuFour, Denise Brown, Deidre O’Kelly-Lynch, Beata Pearson, Sally Miller, Maureen Newman, Mary Cagliuso and the Parish Office Staff.

We welcome all parishioners to join us next year in this heartwarming holiday effort of the 2014 Christmas Wish Program.

This is Commitment Weekend!

Faith_in_Our_Future_NewPlease place your “Commitment Envelope” in the regular collection at Mass. If you forgot to bring your pledge envelope to Mass this weekend, please mail it to the parish office this week or bring it with you to Mass next weekend. Additional brochures and pledge envelopes are available at the entrance to the church.  You can also view the brochure and other materials, including a history of the our parish and photos of our church from the late-1880’s through the present, on the Faith in Our Future page of our parish website.

We are asking all parishioners to consider a sacrificial pledge of $4,000 or more. With a 10% down payment ($400) your pledge would be $100/a month for three years or $75/month for four years. All pledges and gifts, no matter the amount, are greatly appreciated! Only through sacrifice throughout the community can we achieve our goal of raising $1,250,000. Therefore, all contributions, from the smallest to the largest, will be gratefully appreciated.

If you have not decided on your gift to the campaign, we invite you to prayerfully consider making your pledge this week. Please review the suggested gift plans and continue the success of our campaign by making your gift as soon as possible!

As you make your pledge . . . please remember: Pledges should be made over a period of 3 or 4 years. Pledge payments are in addition to your weekly offertory commitment. Payment reminders and a special payment envelope will be mailed in accordance with the selected payment plan. All contributions are tax deductible.

December 15: This Week in Religious Education

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALLThis Week: Sunday, December 15
Grades 1 – 6 Class 10:00 – 10:45 a.m.
Grades 7 & 8 Christmas Celebration
6:00 – 7:00 p.m., Philbin Hall
Wednesday, December 18
Grades 1 – 6 Class 3:30 – 4:45 p,m,
Saturday, December 21
Grade 1 Christmas Pageant Practice 2:30 p.m.
Next Week: Sunday, December 22
Grade 1 Christmas Pageant 9:00 a.m. Mass
No classes.  Classes resume January 5th

2013 Christmas Mass Schedule

30-Nativity_Window_CloseupChristmas Eve
4:00pm (Upper and Lower Church)
5:30pm (Family Mass)
10:00pm (9:30 Choir Program)
Christmas Day

(No 5:00pm Mass on Christmas Day)

Today, Monday December 9 at 1pm and 7pm

Rev. Thomas F. Powers
and the
Saint John the Evangelist Parish Community
cordially request the pleasure of your company
at a reception inaugurating our Capital Campaign
“Faith in Future”
Monday, December 9th
1:00pm and 7:00pm
In the Rectory

To learn more, please visit  Our Capital Campaign: Faith in Our Future

Thank You!

Thank You 2A very big thank you to all the families who donated cooked turkeys and side dishes to the soup kitchen at Bristol Lodge in Waltham. Thanks to your efforts we delivered enough food to serve over 100 guests. This year marks our 4th consecutive year of providing a Thanksgiving feast and it’s remarkable how generous our Parish response has been to this appeal. One of our parishioners prepared TWO turkeys and another (at age 10 our youngest contributor to date) baked a beautiful pumpkin roll. Thanks so much for your boundless generosity. – Deirdre Heilbron, Service Commission

Collaborative FAQ 20: Where can I learn more?

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallQuestion 20: I feel like I’ve probably missed some of the questions that have been published in this section of the Bulletin. Where can I learn more about Collaboratives?
All of the questions we’ve published so far can be found on the St. John’s web site – click
ST. JOHN-ST. PAUL COLLABORATIVE NEWS under “Quick Links.” In addition, the Archdiocese regularly updates a detailed website:

We welcome your comments and feedback.  Please email your questions or comments about Parish Collaboratives to –

Parish Christmas Concert – Sunday, December 8 at 2pm

Please join us on Sunday, December 8 at 2pm in the Church for traditional and contemporary Christmas music performed by St. John’s adult and youth choirs, instruments, and soloists.  Admission is free.  St. John’s is located at the corner of Washington St. and Glen Rd. Parking is available in the school lot on Ledyard Street and the Church is wheelchair accessible.

Help Prepare the Church for Christmas on Monday, December 23

Helpers are needed to prepare and hang wreaths inside St. John’s Church.  Would you like to help? “The more the merrier!” Let’s meet at 9:00 a.m. in the Church Social Hall on Monday, December 23.


December 7: News from the AFFC

AFFC LogoAFFC BLOG: For the month of December, the Adult Faith Formation Commission is discussing ADVENT. Please visit our blog –  FAITH MATTERS  – to find reflections written by parishioners as well as links to lots of great information. “Like” us on Facebook to receive regular updates on our monthly theme!