Category Archives: Important Announcements

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Planning Study Summary

church_frontBelow is the Planning Study Summary that we recently received from Cornerstone Fundraising.  Please review the report and contact the Rectory Office (781-235-0045) if you have any questions.

Planning Study Summary

Personal Interviews conducted: 23
Focus Groups: 4 focus groups- 47 participants
On-line survey: 125 participants
Case Statement: Sections of the original part of the church, most notably the tower, are in need of significant repair and reconstruction. The heating and cooling systems need updating and the parking lot needs repaving and improved lighting. Estimated cost: $1,100,000

Study Highlights

St John- St Paul Collaborative
There is some misunderstanding regarding the parish collaborative. While some understand that the collaborative is primarily about “staffing” others fear there is a possibility of merging with a neighboring parish. It would be helpful for the parish to once again address the issue- through a bulletin article, homily, or by the Planning Committee.

Prioritize Fundraising Projects
Several parishioners suggested that the maintenance projects should be prioritized according fundraising goals achieved.

Fr. Powers, St. John’s Parish gets highly favorable ratings
Participants gave highly favorable ratings to the parish for its welcoming and vibrant community. They are especially grateful for the spiritual leadership of Fr. Powers, Sr. Evelyn and Fr. Hehir. They believe Fr. Powers has the ability to lead the parish through a successful fundraising effort.

Nearly all participants said they would give to capital campaign
Nearly all (91%) of those interviewed and participating in focus groups, with few exceptions, said they would contribute to a capital campaign. They clearly understand the need to address the maintenance issues. They also stressed the need for wide participation in the campaign, regardless of economic status; the need for equal sacrifice, not equal gifts.

The parish budget and maintenance
Several active parishioners noted the need to address on-gong maintenance issues by allocating more funds in the annual budget. While there are some parish reserves, they would like to see additional funds being dedicated to future maintenance.

Sample of Survey Questions

Question 2: Do you consider yourself an active parishioner?
Yes: 71%   No: 9%   Somewhat: 20%

Question 3: How would you rate St. John the Evangelist Parish, taking into consideration the parish staff, the worship, the
religious education program and the parish organizations and ministries?
Very good: 87%   Good: 12%   Fair: 1%   Poor: N/A

Question 4: What is your reaction to the Case Statement?
Favorable: 71%    Unfavorable: 2%     Mixed: 27%

Question 5: In addition to the list of projects noted, are there other areas of need not addressed that you see as a priority?  Common response: Church sound system; Safety issue regarding Ledyard Street entrance

Question 7: With regard to your own involvement would you… give to a Campaign?
Yes: 91%   No <1%   Maybe 9%


The results of the Planning Study indicate that St. John the Evangelist Parish is in an excellent position to conduct a Capital Campaign to address the needs identified by the Parish Building Committee.

Taking into account the annual income of the parish, the strong support for the case, general concerns raised regarding the economy, the initial number of parishioners willing to commit to a campaign (91%), and the early indication of pledges, we believe St. John the Evangelist Parish should set the campaign goal at $1,250,000.

Respectfully submitted by: Cornerstone Fundraising. LLC 
223 Low Street Newburyport, MA

September 22: Religious Education Class Begin: Schedules and Opening Day Procedures

Religious-Education-Contemporary_SMALL2013/2014 Class Schedule
Classes for all grades will begin as follows:
Grades 1 – 6: Sunday, 9/22 from 10–10:45AM or Wednesday, 9/25, from 3:30-4:45PM
Grades 7 – 10: Sunday, 9/22, from 6 – 8 PM
A final calendar can be downloaded from the Parish website.
Opening Day Procedures
Grades 1 – 6:  All parents and students should report to Philbin Hall in the lower level of St. John’s School to receive class room assignments.  Assignments will be posted on the wall in alphabetical order.  Parents should accompany their children to their classrooms, which will have class lists posted.  Parents, please introduce yourselves to your child(ren)’s teachers.  Volunteers will be available in the corridors to help guide parents and students to classes.  If you have not filled out a registration form and/or have not paid your registration fee, please report to the registration desk in Philbin Hall.  Students will be dismissed to the coned off area in the parking lot to be picked up, unless other arrangements
have been made with the teacher.  As a reminder, dismissal times are 10:45 AM on Sunday and 4:45 PM on Wednesday.
Grades 7 – 10: Classes meet Sunday evening, as scheduled, from 6 – 8 PM
All 9th and 10th grade students should report to Philbin Hall in the lower level of St. John’s School at 6PM for room assignments. All 7th and 8th grades students should report at 6PM to the Parish Center located across the parking lot from the school for room assignments.

Please be considerate and register your child prior to the first class meeting. We may not be able to accommodate your child in the most appropriate classroom (i.e. with children from his/her elementary school, or with friends) if you do not register in advance. Wednesday classes for several grades are at maximum capacity and are now closed. The registration form is available for download on the Parish website found at The late registration fee now applies; please include $25/child in addition to the stated fee.

Our Parish’s Confirmation preparation is a two year program beginning in grade 9. Except for those enrolled in Catholic schools, all students must complete the two year program prior to being Confirmed. All 10th grade Catholic school students planning to be Confirmed in May 2014 must fully participate in the second year of the Parish Religious Education Program. If you have any questions, please contact Jane Leonard at or at 781.237.0141.

Saint John School Principal

St John School_NewAfter five years as Principal and many years as a teacher, Ms. Kathi Aldridge has moved on from St. John School.  With more than 20 years at St. John School, Kathi built several reputations during her long tenure.  As a faculty member, she was utterly devoted to her students, providing a life foundation for class-after-class of students and introducing all of them to the magic and joy of learning. Her contributions helped to build the brand and reputation of St. John’s as a school devoted to exploration, learning, and Catholic-based values.  As Principal, Kathi guided our efforts over the past five years to improve our technology education, and most recently, led our efforts to introduce a foreign language offering into our curriculum.  We offer our prayers and good wishes to her.   The new Principal is Mr. Robert Arsenault and he comes to us after many years as Principal of elementary schools in Wilmington and Winchester. We are privileged to have a person with such extensive experience, coupled with an abundance of personal gifts as the leader of St. John School. We extend to him our warmest welcome, and we are sure that he will experience the genuine hospitality that is characteristic of St. John School.

Regular Mass Schedule Resumes
This Sunday, September 8

Mass_cross graphicDaily Mass: 
Saturday Vigil Mass: 
Sunday Masses: 
7:30am, 9:00am Family Mass, 11:00am, 5:00pm

Note: Our Family Mass “Coffee and Donuts” will begin next Sunday, September 15.

Archdiocesan Prayer Vigil for Peace – Saturday, September 7

Pope Francis_Prayer Vigil

May a powerful cry for peace go up from every land! – Pope Francis
Pope Francis has called for a day of fasting and prayer for peace this coming Saturday, September 7.  

“This coming Saturday we will live together a special day of fasting and prayer for peace in Syria, the Middle East, and throughout the world. I renew the invitation to the whole Church to live this day intensely, and even now I express gratitude to the other Christian brethren, to the brethren of other religions and to the men and women of good will who desire to join in this initiative, in places and ways of their own… May a powerful cry for peace go up from every land!”

In solidarity with the Holy Father, the Cardinal invites the faithful of the Archdiocese to join him at St. John’s Seminary in Brighton for a Vigil for Peace on Saturday beginning at 1:00 pm and concluding with a Mass at 5pm celebrated by the Cardinal in St. John’s Seminary Chapel. Visit the seminary website for directions and parking information:

Thank You from St. Francis House!

The St. Francis House Men’s Clothing Drive on the weekend of June 15–16 was a huge success – thank you for your generosity!  As a parish community, we collected a truck load of gently-used everyday men’s clothing such as jeans, shirts, sweatshirts, and hats, as well as new socks for their Foot Clinic, which provides foot care and new socks to homeless clients (see photos below.)  We send a special Thank You to those who purchased new socks! 

St. Francis House VanThe driver who did the pick up from St. Francis House told us that he’s been doing this for 17 years, and when he started he went to 120+ churches.  Now he’s down to 25 or so, with the volume of donations at many trending down.  However, he said that St. John’s has shown the reverse trend, with increasing donations of the highest quality clothing, which their clients so appreciate, especially as they try to return to the work force. Our volume increase about 30%-40% from last year’s collection. We achieved this as a community! 

Click here to see photos and a special thank you message from the Service Commission!

Collaborative FAQ 4: When will our Parish Collaborative start?

SJSP Collaborative Logo_SmallQuestion 4: We’re hearing a lot about Parish Collaboratives lately. Will our parish be in a Parish Collaborative? When will our Parish Collaborative start?

Yes, our parish will definitely be in a Parish Collaborative. We know that St. John’s and St. Paul’s will be grouped together in the Collaborative, but we don’t know specifically when the Collaborative will begin. Parishes around the area will start their Collaboratives in phases over a five year period. Twenty-eight parishes in the archdiocese formed twelve Collaboratives in Phase I, which began earlier this year. St. John’s and St. Paul’s will be in a later phase. We don’t have an exact date yet, but we will keep you informed as details become available.  When we form our Collaborative, each parish will maintain its own identity – its own name, its buildings, its canonical rights, its own bank accounts, its own books, its own financial assets, and its own financial obligations. Common costs of the Collaborative (such as staffing and shared programs) will be shared between St. John’s and St. Paul’s.

We welcome your comments and feedback. Please email your questions or comments about Parish Collaboratives to:

Thursday, August 15 – Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Assumption of Mary_ContemporaryThis Thursday, August 15 is the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day of Obligation.
St. John’s Mass Schedule:
Thursday, August 15 at 7:00am, 12:00pm and 5:30pm
St. Paul’s Mass Schedule:
Wednesday, August 14 at 7:00pm
Thursday, August 15 at 6:45am and 9:00am

St. John’s Music News…

Calling all musicians, instrumentalists and vocalists alike!  SAINT JOHN’S MUSIC is in need of your talents, and we have something of interest to everyone. Musicians of all ability levels, from novice to expert, are most welcome in any group.

Music_Youth Choir LogoIf you attend the 9:00 a.m. Family Mass and enjoy the upbeat, children-friendly, hand-clapping hymns we sing each week, we are always seeking new singers and instrumentalists to join our ranks. All ages are welcome! Please contact Chris Holownia (617-513-0823 or for more information about how to get involved. Our first rehearsal will be Sunday, September 8, 2013. During the school year, we rehearse each Sunday morning at 8:00 a.m. to prepare for that day’s 9:00 a.m. Mass, and we also prepare special liturgies for Grade Level Masses, Advent, Christmas, Lent, Palm Sunday, Easter, and Pentecost. The Christmas and Easter Youth Choirs, directed by Maria Wardwell (781-237-2148 or, also join forces with the Family Mass Musicians at those special times of year and have a separate rehearsal schedule.

music_choirFor you who attend the 11:00 a.m. Mass on Sunday mornings and prefer the time-tested traditional choir, we encourage you to join with our Parish Choir. Please contact Laurence Carson (781-235-0034 or for more information on how to become involved. Our first rehearsal will be Sunday, September 22, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. Our First Sunday Choir will resume on Sunday, October 6, 2013 at 10:00 a.m. for those who have just a little extra time to devote to choir singing on a once a month, one time rehearsal basis.

CME_PhotoIf you attend the 5:00 p.m. Mass on Sunday evenings, we are in the process of developing the music programming for that service and would love to hear your ideas.
The genre tends to be more contemporary, appealing to the young adults/teens and their families, and we seek both vocalists and instrumentalists to rehearse at 4:15 p.m. each Sunday before the Mass that same night. We occasionally plan programming to coincide with the teen Masses and other special events. Please contact Chris Holownia (617-513-0823 or if you are interested in getting involved! Our first rehearsal will be Sunday, September 8, 2013.

Parish Planning Study Completed

church_frontThank you to all parishioners who participated in our recent parish planning study by attending an interview, focus group, or by returning the questionnaire.

As you know, for the past year and a half, our Building and Grounds Committee has been evaluating our parish facilities and assessing deferred maintenance. They have reported that sections of the original part of the church, most notably the tower, are in need of significant repair and reconstruction. Our heating and cooling systems need updating and our parking lot needs repaving and improved lighting. These are just some of the projects that have been deferred over the years because we are unable to address them through our regular operating budget.

Your opinions and suggestions expressed through the planning study will enable us to formulate a final plan that will help meet the needs of our entire parish. A summary of the findings will be in the bulletin after Labor Day.