Today is Holy Saturday, March 31

Holy Saturday_Easter VigilMass of the Easter Vigil
8:00pm at St. John
8:00pm at St. Paul

Like a deer that longs for running streams, my soul longs for you, my God. PS 42-2

Sacrament of Reconciliation

Come for this special gift of Confession –  there is no better way to prepare for Easter!

Wednesday, March 28
The Light is on for You!
St. Paul Church

Saturday, March 31 
St. John Church, Lower Chapel

Collaborative Women’s Lenten Prayer Breakfast This Saturday, March 24 at St. Paul

“Living Deeply Our New Life”

Join us for faith, fellowship, and fun following the 9:00am Mass in St. Paul Parish Hall!  Featuring Sr. Mary Sweeney on the life of St. Elizabeth Ann Seton: Wife and Mother, and Kelly Meraw on her journey into the Catholic Church. Questions: Kay Kociuba at St. Paul: 781-235-1060 or

Holy Week and Easter 2018
St. John-St. Paul Collaborative


Morning Prayer 9:00am at St. Paul
Mass of the Lord’s Supper
7:30pm at St. John followed by Adoration
7:30pm at St. Paul followed by Adoration


Morning Prayer 9:00am at St. Paul
Walk with the Cross 12:00pm at St. John (Led by Religious Education – all welcome!)
Living Way of the Cross 12:00pm at St. Paul (with Religious Education – all welcome!)
Stations of the Cross 3:00pm at St. John
Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
3:00pm at St. Paul
7:30pm at St. John


Morning Prayer 9:00am at St. Paul
Sacrament of Reconciliation 10:00am – 12:00pm at St. John
Mass of the Easter Vigil
8:00pm at St. John
8:00pm at St. Paul


7:30am Mass at St. John (Upper Church)
7:30am Mass at St. Paul (Main Church)

9:00am Family Mass at St. John (Upper Church with simulcast in Powers Hall)
9:00am Mass at St. Paul (Main Church with simulcast in the Parish Hall)

11:00am Mass at St. John (Upper Church with simulcast in Powers Hall)
11:00am Mass at St. Paul (Main Church )
11:00am Mass at St. Paul (Parish Hall)

Our 2018 Collaborative Lenten Gift – Special Second Collection March 17-18

We invite you to participate in this outreach to our little NPH brothers and sisters in Miacatlán. Donations are accepted with our second collection this weekend, by mail to the parish office, or online: 

We thank you for your support, it is appreciated and will make a difference in the children’s lives.  For more information, please visit our Lenten Gift page.

Storm Cancellations for Tuesday, March 13

Due to the impending storm, the 7:00am Daily Mass at St. John and the 9:00 Daily Mass at St. Paul are cancelled, and the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative Offices will be closed. All afternoon/evening activities, including Adoration at St. Paul and Marian Movement at St. John, are also cancelled.  The Screwtape Letters Lenten program at St. John is postponed until next Tuesday, March 20. The final session will now be held on Tuesday, March 27.

An Update from NPH Mexico: Since the Earthquake…

February 26, 2018 – Mexico: Hipólito is a 9-year-old boy studying 3rd grade. September 19, 2017, will be a day he will never forget.

“That afternoon we were all very still, we already knew that something serious had happened. My friends and I only heard that the old chapel was badly damaged, and also the schools and the dining hall.

Our caregivers explained to us what had just happened and tried to make sure everyone was calm, because there were some children who were crying. They were nervous or maybe scared, I guess. 

I remember there was no electricity that night and the whole hacienda (home) was very dark.  Since our dormitories weren’t safe to sleep in, we all slept together outside so we would not be afraid, and some of us had candles.

Starting that day, school was suspended for a few weeks. The teachers were at the home to carry out activities with the children to distract them. The psychologists gave support workshops to all the kids so that they could express their feelings, and they gave them reading materials and did relaxation exercises.

The dining hall and kitchen had to be closed. We created a temporary dining hall and kitchen under large tents in the main courtyard.


After a few weeks, classes resumed under tarps with blackboards hanging on the sides.

“At the beginning, we liked having classes there, it was something different. But after a while we got bored, it was hot even under the tarps. Besides, since everyone passed by, it was easier to be distracted and to start chatting with friends,” says Hipólito of his experience in outdoors classes.


Fortunately, the schools have already been repaired and our children returned to their classrooms on January 31. “I am happy because we can have ‘normal’ classes now. We spent several months like that, and we thought it would take much longer to go back to our classrooms because they were very damaged.”

NPH Mexico has taken big steps since the earthquake—thanks to generous donors—to help the children return to their classrooms. There is still a great need to repair the dining hall and kitchen as more than 400 children continue to eat outside.

Some of the children’s dormitories still need repairs, and many other structural issues to our home still need to be addressed. For the time being, we will continue rebuilding our facilities so that our children enjoy their days with dignity, and above all, in safe spaces.

The Collection for our Lenten gift will be taken up at all Masses next weekend March 17 & 18. As we embrace the three-fold Lenten discipline of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, we invite you to participate in this outreach to our little brothers and sisters in Miacatlán.

For more information, please visit our Lenten Gift page.


Winter_Weather_CancellationsDue to the weather all St. John Religious Education classes/activities scheduled for this afternoon have been cancelled.

Join Us This Tuesday for the Second Evening in Our Lenten Discussion Series!

The Screwtape Letters:
A Look at Temptation and Fortitude

Please join us Tuesday, March 6 at 7pm in St. John’s Powers Hall for the second evening of our Lenten Discussion Series on The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. These fictitious letters from a senior demon of Hell, Screwtape, to his protégé, Wormword, give us a peek into the world of temptation and fortitude, and provide a bountiful landscape for discussion of sin, vice, virtue, and the inner working of the human conscience.  The book is available at bookstores and online, but it is not necessary to read the letters before attending a session, and you do not need to attend every session to benefit!   You can join us for one session or all four!  Led by Jennifer Foster, DRE, St. Bartholomew Parish in Needham.

Letters for Week 2:  March 6
Letter 9: Life Phases
Letter 11:  Humor
Letter 12:  Sloth
Letter 13:  Pain and Pleasure
Letter 14:  Humility

Letters for Week 3:  March 13
Letter 15:  Time and Eternity
Letter 17:  Gluttony
Letter 21:  Pride and Peevishness, Possessiveness
Letter 23:  Jesus
Letter 24:  Faith Community/Spiritual Pride

Letters for Week 4:  March 20
Letter 25:  Novelty and Rhythm
Letter 26:  Unselfishness
Letter 27:  Prayer, Time and Distraction
Letter 29:  Twisting Virtue
Letter 30:  Weariness
Letter 31:  Deliverance

(Please click HERE to view the Powerpoint presentation from the first discussion on February 20.) 

Archdiocese of Boston 2018 Catholic Appeal

This year’s Archdiocese of Boston Catholic Appeal, We the Many, Serving as One, has been launched.  (Please watch the 2018 Catholic Appeal video below for more information on how the Catholic Appeal provides needed funding to the many ministries that serve our parishes, schools, community programs and other affiliated organizations throughout the Archdiocese.)

St. John’s financial goal for the Appeal this year is $111,782. Prior to this year our rebate was tied to a financial goal. The rebate earned by our parish from last year’s Catholic Appeal was $17,500.   

The Archdiocese of Boston has announced new procedures for this year’s appeal.

This year there has been a change in procedures, and we now must reach an in-pew envelope goal (in additional to our financial goal) in order to be eligible to earn any rebates back to the parish. Our new in-pew envelope goal here at St. John is 95 envelopes. This goal is based solely on the number of envelopes completed, so this year we are asking that every family complete and return one of the envelopes, to ensure that we reach the goal number.

After writing your name, address and home parish, please complete the in-pew envelope in one of three ways and place it in the regular offertory collection:

  1. Add a donation of cash, check or credit card information
  2. Select “I have already given to the Catholic Appeal this year”
  3. Select “I do not wish to make a gift at this time”

The envelopes will be available in the pews and in the church lobby over the next several weekends.  We thank you for your patience and understanding as we launch this year’s Catholic Appeal with the new guidelines and procedures.  Your generosity to the Catholic Appeal is most greatly appreciated.  Thank you! 

2018 Catholic Appeal Video from the Archdiocese of Boston

Cardinal Seán P. O’Malley said, “Faith guides us to discover the purpose of our existence, our mission here. As a community of faith, we all participate in the mission Jesus entrusts to us: to share the good news and support our brothers and sisters. It is my hope that everyone will consider a contribution for the 2018 Catholic Appeal to help advance that work here in our Archdiocese.”