A New Staff Position: Coordinator of Music, Liturgy and Pastoral Care

I am thrilled to announce that Kelly Meraw has been named Coordinator of Music, Liturgy and Pastoral Care for St. John the Evangelist Parish. As with all of the leadership positions within the collaborative, Kelly’s ministry will be a collaborative position but with her main focus on the St. John community.

Kelly is no stranger to us. She has had a growing role within the music ministry team at St. John as a cantor and director of the choir. She has also been working with bereaved families in preparation for funeral liturgies and with couples preparing for marriage. In her new role, she will also oversee the entire music program at the parish. She is well qualified for the position with a Master of Music Degree from McGill University. And we know already how her angelic voice helps us to lift our hearts in prayer each week at Mass.

Kelly has also felt called by God to a role in pastoral ministry for many years. Before her reception into the Catholic Church at St. Patrick’s Basilica in Montreal through the RCIA program, she contemplated a vocation as a Protestant minister. To that end, she also holds a degree from McGill in Religious Studies. She has long dreamed of bringing her ministerial skills and theological education to bear within her Catholic faith, which she so cherishes. She is most excited about her role as Coordinator of Pastoral Care at St. John. Kelly will oversee the development of adult education programs, ministry to families and will serve as liaison to the parish’s many ministries and commissions. She will also be responsible for the recruitment and training of lectors and Eucharistic Ministers. She will continue to broaden her theological education as she undertakes her new role.

Kelly is a person of deep faith and I have no doubt that she will be a tremendous asset to our parish and collaborative as we all seek to deepen our relationship with Jesus Christ through prayer, service and education. She and her husband Michael, along with their children Ava and Noah, have been deeply committed to the mission of St. John Parish for many years. How blessed are we that God has called Kelly from our own community to serve in this newly created and important ministerial role. Let’s extend a warm welcome to the newest member of our staff!

Yours in Christ,

Fr. Jim

2018 Catholic Appeal Begins This Weekend, March 3-4 – Watch Cardinal Sean’s Homily


2018 Catholic Appeal Homily – Cardinal Seán O’Malley

St. Patrick’s Day Dinner – This Saturday, March 17 at 6:00pm at St. Paul

shamrock bannerPlease join us for a St. Patrick’s Day Dinner to celebrate Boston’s patron saint!
Saturday, March 17 from 6:00-9:00pm at St. Paul Parish Hall
Babysitting and kids games available in lower parish hall

Please purchase your tickets in advance to help with headcount
Tickets available at St. Paul Church Rectory Office and at the St. John Collaborative Office, as well as after the 4:00pm, 9:00am, and 11:00am Masses at St. Paul’s during weekends of February 24-25, March 3-4, and March 10-11.
For more information, to make a monetary donation, and/or to help organize and decorate, please email stpaulsocialcommittee@gmail.com


A Devastating Earthquake

Last week, we identified the rebuilding of the boys’ and girls’ dormitories at the NPH facility in Miacatlan, Mexico as the project to which we would dedicate this year’s Lenten gift from the Saint John-Saint Paul Collaborative. As in all of the homes sponsored by NPH, the children being cared for in Miacatlan have had tough childhoods. Many have lived in dangerous or unsanitary conditions, begged or scavenged for food, suffered abuse, or had no stable family life, and have lacked proper nutrition and health care.

Imagine how thrilled each of these children must have felt when brought to the loving and familial atmosphere of Casa San Salvador in Miacatlan, which is 77 miles southwest of Mexico City. The Casa is an old converted sugar plantation and serves more than 400 children. Always bustling with activity, its facilities are extensive and offer a small town feel. The home features girls’ and boys’ dormitories, a healthcare clinic, a primary school, a kitchen, a cafeteria, athletic facilities, a library, and a chapel.

This wonderful environment has been compromised by the 7.1 magnitude earthquake of last September. In the middle school boys’ dormitory, there are serious cracks needing repair before it is safe for them to return.

Currently, 160 boys are living in another dormitory in a space only fit for 80. The girls’ dormitory needs repair to its sewage system before the rainy season begins. During significantly rainy days, eight inches of rain have been building up outside of their dormitory, resulting in over an inch of water coming into their rooms.

There are so many needy causes that need attention today that we had no shortage of opportunities from which to choose a recipient. However, the Service Commission chose NPH in Miacatlan both to have an immediate impact for good and also to further the relationship begun last year that has resulted in so many families in the Collaborative sponsoring a young boy or girl. As we embrace the three-fold Lenten discipline of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, we invite you to participate in this outreach to our little brothers and sisters in Miacatlan.

For more information, please visit our Lenten Gift page.

Join Us Tonight for the First Evening of Our Lenten Discussion Series!

The Screwtape Letters:
A Look at Temptation and Fortitude

Consider the cunning ways of the devil to lure us into temptation by delving into The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. These fictitious letters from a senior demon of Hell, Screwtape, to his protégé, Wormword, give us a peek into the world of temptation and fortitude, and provide a bountiful landscape for discussion of sin, vice, virtue, and the inner working of the human conscience. There will be 4 sessions on the following Tuesday evenings:  February 20, March 6, March 13, and March 20 from 7:00-8:00pm in St. John Powers Hall.

 Led by Jennifer Foster, DRE, St. Bartholomew Parish in Needham. The book is available at bookstores and online, but it is not necessary to read the letters before attending a session, and you do not need to attend every session to benefit!   Join us for one session or all four!



The Light is On For You This Wednesday at St. John!

lio-vertical-color-largeThe Sacrament of Reconciliation is available in our Collaborative every Wednesday during Lent from 6:30-8:00pm. 

St. John Chapel: February 21, February 28, March 7
St. Paul Church: March 14, March 21, March 28.

Announcing Our 2018 Collaborative Lenten Gift

Over the fall of 2017, our Collaborative heard much about Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos, (NPH), as we had visitors from NPH Guatemala. Many families hosted our NPH friends, and even more families signed up to sponsor children. This year, the St. John-St. Paul Collaborative has selected NPH Mexico for our 2018 Lenten gift.

On September 19, a devastating 7.1-magnitude earthquake struck Central Mexico. The earthquake struck very close to NPH’s homes and schools in Miacatlán. Thankfully, none of children, volunteers or staff were harmed, but estimates of the damage to their facilities were significant.

Specifically, we will be contributing towards the rebuilding of the boys and girls dormitories. We hope to help NPH Mexico restore its facilities so they can continue their mission of transforming young people’s lives.

The Story of Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos

In 1954, more than six decades ago, in Cuernavaca, Mexico a young and hungry boy stole money from a church collection box in order to purchase food. He was arrested and due to receive a harsh sentence for his crime. However, the newly ordained priest of the church, Father William B. Wasson, asked the court to show mercy. He requested custody of the boy so that he could provide for the boy’s needs, and the judge accepted. Throughout that year, Father Wasson received 32 more boys, and Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos was born.

Since then, NPH has been transforming the lives of thousands of orphaned, abandoned and disadvantaged children. One of the unique features of NPH is that when they accept one child into the home, they take all siblings so that the sense of family continues. It is not considered an orphanage; it is more like a large family. NPH provides a safe home and a loving forever family that offers security, vital nutrition, comprehensive healthcare, an education, and vocational training to break the intergenerational cycle of poverty. Currently, there are over 3,200 children in nine NPH homes in Latin American countries.

For more information, please visit our Lenten Gift page.

Lenten Bible Study: Lent, Season of Transformation (Evening Group Starts this Thursday, March 1)


During Lent, we strive to free ourselves from all kinds of clutter – material and spiritual – in order to focus on God and turn back to him with our whole hearts. Please join us as we reflect together upon three key moments in the life and ministry of Jesus. The result will be a better understanding of the authentic transformation that God calls each of us to embrace as individuals and as a community.  There will be two 4-week sessions:

Thursday evenings starting March 1: 7-8:30pm in the St. Paul Parish Hall

Wednesday mornings starting March 7: 10-11:30am at a parishioner’s home

To RSVP and for further information please email Kay Kociuba or call the St. Paul Office (781-235-1060)

Lenten Discussion Series: A Look at Temptation and Fortitude

Consider the cunning ways of the devil to lure us into temptation by delving into The Screwtape Letters by C.S. Lewis. These fictitious letters from a senior demon of Hell, Screwtape, to his protégé, Wormword, give us a peek into the world of temptation and fortitude, and provide a bountiful landscape for discussion of sin, vice, virtue, and the inner working of the human conscience. Please join us on these Tuesday evenings: February 20, March 6, March 13, and March 20 from 7:00-8:00pm in St. John Powers Hall.

 Led by Jennifer Foster, DRE, St. Bartholomew Parish in Needham. The book is available at bookstores and online, but it is not necessary to read the letters before attending a session, and you do not need to attend every session to benefit!   Come to one session or all four!



A Lenten Message from Fr. Jim

At once the Spirit drove him out into the desert, and he remained in the desert for forty days, tempted by Satan. He was among wild beasts, and the angels ministered to him. (Mark 1:12)

Which voices do we listen to?  The world is a noisy place and we are bombarded by voices telling us what to wear, what to buy, what to believe, what is beautiful.  During this holy season of Lent, we are invited to enter the desert with Jesus.  Here we will learn, like Jesus, to discern the voice of our loving God against the din of competing voices.  As we allow God’s voice to speak deep in our hearts, we discover ourselves as loved unconditionally, as beloved.  As we come to know ourselves as God’s beloved, we are more able to see the face of God in the needy around us and to become instruments of God’s love and mercy to those we encounter.

Pope Francis encourages us “to lose ourselves decisively on the path of Jesus, the path which leads to life…Let us enter into the desert without fear, because we are not alone; we are with Jesus, with the Father and with the Holy Spirit.  In fact, as it was for Jesus, it is the Holy Spirit who guides us on the Lenten journey; that same Spirit descended upon Jesus and has been given to us in Baptism.  As we cross the Lenten ‘desert’, we fix our gaze toward Easter, which is Jesus’ definitive victory against evil, against sin and against death.”

We invite you to enter fully into this Lenten journey into the desert.  Take  advantage of the offerings of our collaborative for prayer and reflection, for service and for reconciliation.  Let’s listen together to the voice of God.

Fr. Jim