Attention All Parishioners – Why Catholic? Beginning Soon!

Why Catholic will begin the week of October 16! Small faith – sharing groups are forming and will meet in the St. Paul Parish Hall or in a parishioner’s home! We will finish the final 6 lessons of Believe: Profession of Faith. This book explores the basic tenets of our faith and offers insights on what it means to be Catholic following “the oldest Roman catechism,” the Apostles’ Creed.

Contact: Kay Kociuba at St. Paul rectory 781-235-1060 or

Attention Online Donors: ParishPay is now WeShare!

Earlier this year, Liturgical Publications (LPi), acquired ParishPay, our online giving service. As part of the acquisition, all ParishPay™ online giving websites will be transitioned to LPi’s WeShare online giving service, the largest electronic-giving provider serving the Catholic Church both in the US and abroad. LPi is dedicated to serving you and has taken every precaution to ensure a secure transition from ParishPay™ to WeShare.

If you had an account with ParishPay

All ParishPay accounts will be transitioned to WeShare. You do not need to do anything for this transition process. Your information will be transferred electronically following the strictest security protocol. LPi is committed to keeping your identity and information secure, so the first time you log in to WeShare online giving you will need to answer a few questions to verify your identity. Please have the following information available:

  • Your ParishPay Username
  • Last 4 digits of the bank account or credit card used for ParishPay
  • The email registered with ParishPay OR a collection name and a specific amount you donated in the last 6 months

To verify your account, click the Online Giving by WeShare link on our website. Please select the Verify My Account option, and follow the prompts. After you complete this one-time process and successfully verify your identity you will be able to click the Online Giving link on our website and sign in to your WeShare account using only your username and password.  (If you have questions or need help, please call the parish office at 781-235-0045 or call the WeShare Customer Support team at (800) 950-9952 and select Option 1.)

If You Did Not Have a ParishPay Account

Please consider online giving for your support of our parish. Online giving is safe, simple, and convenient. It benefits our parish by helping to streamline our administrative process and providing more accurate budgeting.  Online Giving offers many benefits for you and for the parish:

  • You can share your gifts… Any way you want to. When you want to. Where you want to. WeShare accommodates both regular and special collections, making it easier for everyone to participate.
  • Leave your checkbook at home. Set up your recurring gift using a credit card, checking or savings account.
  • Your funds are protected. Your donations are automatically transferred to St. John so it’s safer and more secure.
  • Support our parish consistently, even if you are unable to attend Mass at St. John.
  • Give on-the-go! Access the site from your mobile phone or tablet.
  • Less time required to process collections. No more manual entries so
    office staff will be able to process data efficiently.
  • Predictable contributions. More predictable cash flow helping us plan our ministries better.
  • Automatic record keeping. Online donation summaries for more accurate and efficient records.

To learn more or to set up a new account, please visit our secure WeShare page.




2017 Annual Appeal Collection

Church_WatercolorThe 2017 St. John Annual Financial Report, prepared by our Parish Finance Council, began arriving at the homes of all registered parishioners this week. The mailing also includes your 2017 Annual Appeal Collection pledge card. (If you do not receive the mailing, please call the Parish Office at 781-235-0045 to let us know so we can check our records. Additional copies of the report will be available at the back of the church.)

The parish needs your financial support in order that our ministries within the parish and many outreach efforts beyond our parish can continue to thrive and to grow. Although we are reaching out for your financial support, we ask you to support the good works of the parish in whatever way you can. We have many ministries and ways to be involved. Please stay informed by reading the bulletin and checking our website regularly for Parish news and service opportunities.

Thank you for your continued support of St. John the Evangelist Parish!

Thank You From NPH!

Thank you to the whole St. John-St. Paul Collaborative Community for your amazing support of NPH and the pequeños who visited us last weekend! To date, we have raised over $11,000 and signed up 77 total new sponsorships!

This is the last weekend that the sponsorship tables will be set up, so be sure to sign up to sponsor a child today.

Updates from our Seminarians: A Letter from Chris Holownia

Our Collaborative is blessed to have two young men pursuing a vocation to the priesthood. Chris Holownia from St. John Parish has entered the Jesuit Novitiate in Syracuse NY, and Matt Norwood from St. Paul Parish is studying at St. John Seminary in Brighton to be a priest in the Archdiocese of Boston. Our seminarians are going to be sending us updates on their progress from time to time. This week we have a letter from Chris Holownia – please click here to read the greeting and message from Chris.

Thank You from St. Francis House

Dear St. John’s of Wellesley,

We at St. Francis House would like to thank you for your generous donation of new and gently used clothing – including many new socks for our clinic and an assortment of professional attire for our Moving Ahead Program.  Your donation filled an entire van load and these items will help provide our guests with the vital resources they need to reclaim their dignity and rebuild their lives.

Your support means so much, and your contributions of much-needed goods helps St. Francis House provide a broad range of life-changing services to the poor and homeless in Boston. In fact, loyal supporters like you have helped us keep our doors open for over 30 years, offering a warm welcome to as many as 600 guests each day who come through our doors seeking support.

For our guests, walking through those doors is an important step in their process of rebuilding their lives. Thanks to you, St. Francis House is able to continue helping guests leave homelessness behind.

Thank you for choosing to be a part of the St. Francis House community.

With much appreciation,

Sharon Lee

Engagement and Special Events Supervisor

Attention Young Singers! Christmas Youth Choir Rehearsals Will Begin October 29

Music_Youth Choir LogoOur 17th Annual Christmas Youth Choir sign-up and first rehearsal will take place Sunday, October 29 from 10:50-11:50am. All students in grade 1-8 are invited to participate. High School (grade 9-12) Assistants are also welcome (counts towards confirmation community service credit!) Seven rehearsals will take place on the following dates:

October 29:  10:50-11:50am
November 5:  10:50-11:50am
*November 12:  10:00-11:00am
November 19:  10:50-11:50am
December 3:  10:50-11:50am
December 10:  10:50-11:50am
*December 17:  10:00 – 11:00am

*Note earlier time.

Children will participate in the 5:30pm Family Mass on Christmas Eve. All rehearsals are in St. John’s Chapel. For more information, please email Maria Wardwell (or by telephone at 781-237-2148. )


2017 Annual Financial Report and Annual Appeal Collection

Church_WatercolorPlease watch for the St. John Annual Financial Report, prepared by our Parish Finance Council, which will be arriving at the homes of all registered parishioners soon.  You can read the report now by clicking the link above.  Finance Council members will be at all Masses this weekend, September 30 – October 1, to highlight the key points of the report.

The mailing also includes your 2017 Annual Appeal Collection pledge card. Our online giving program, ParishPay, can also be used for contributions to the Annual Appeal. Please visit the Online Giving page on our website for more information.

The parish needs your financial support in order that our ministries within the parish and many outreach efforts beyond our parish can continue to thrive and to grow. Although we are reaching out for your financial support, we ask you to support the good works of the parish in whatever way you can. We have many ministries and ways to be involved. Please stay informed by reading the bulletin and checking our website regularly for Parish news and service opportunities.

Thank you for your continued support of St. John the Evangelist Parish!

Parish Choir News – First Rehearsal on Sunday, October 1

The Parish Choir of St. John’s Music will hold its first rehearsal Sunday, October 1 at 9:30am in the Music Office adjacent to Powers Hall. We welcome and encourage singers of high school age and up to join with us. No audition is required only your willingness to participate in the joy of singing. The Parish Choir participates weekly in the 11:00am Sunday liturgies. Weekly rehearsals are held on Wednesday evenings, 7-8:30pm. For those unable to commit to a weekly schedule of rehearsals and weekend liturgies please consider our FIRST SUNDAY CHOIR program. For that you can join with us on the first Sunday of each month for the Sunday morning rehearsal (9:30am) where we learn an easily singable piece to be sung at the 11am liturgy that morning. Coffee, juice and tasty breakfast treats are provided. Come join us and get into the “sing” of things!

Christmas Wish Committee Meeting on Wednesday, October 4 – New Members Welcome!

The Christmas season is just around the corner, and with it comes our commitment to serve our community and several surrounding communities of Roxbury, Lowell, and Brockton with our St. John Christmas Wish program. We provide children with very needed clothing and a special gift wish at Christmas time. We invite you to join our fun committee and help us organize the family and child sponsorship efforts so we can provide a blessed Christmas for over 400 children. Many hands are needed in this effort. We will be meeting on Wednesday, October 4 at 7:00pm in the second floor meeting room of the Parish Center. No prior experience needed, just a helping hand! We are in need of someone with experience and knowledge of Microsoft Mail Merge capabilities. We hope to see many of you at our first committee meeting October 4th! If you have questions or want to join but can’t make the meeting, please contact Liz Corcoran at